Tassled Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis oxycephala)

 The Tassled Scorpionfish or Scorpaenopsis oxycephala is a dangerous saltwater fish that is found in the Indian and Pacific oceans. This carnivorous fish has venomous spines that will cause serious pain to the unsuspecting victim that may step on them. This fish are often found in shallow waters in and around reefs.

Tassled Scorpionfish is just one of the over 100 different species of Scorpionfish. This particular species grows to about 14" (36 cm) and can vary in coloration a great deal depending on it surroundings. This fish will have "tassles" or beards below their jaws, hence their name. They mainly feed on smaller fish and crustaceans. This fish will feed by opening its mouth wide and using their gills to create a suction that literally sucks the fish right into their mouths. They will lie in wait on the bottom for an unsuspecting fish to swim to close and then snatch them up with amazing speed.

If you have any additional information about the Tassled Scorpionfish please leave us a comment or watch the Tassled Scorpionfish and other amazing creatures in the video below...

Black Madtom (Noturus funebris)

The Black Madtom or Noturus funebris is a freshwater fish that is part of the Catfish (lctaluridae) family. Sometimes referred to as the Bullhead Catfish this is just one of the 27 different species of Madtom found in the United States and Canada. They are not large, only growing to about 7" in length and are rather ugly with barbels and a broad tail.  

Black Madtom are found in streams and lakes, normally hiding under rocks and logs during the day in wait for nightfall. For this reason it is not often that an angler will hook one of these bad boys unless they are fish at dusk or at night.
These fish can by distinguished from other Catfish by their unique adipose fin. This fin continues with the caudal fin unlike other Catfish. They will feed mostly in the early dawn or at dusk on insect larvae and crayfish, although they are not picky and will eat pretty much anything that is available to them. Black Madtom fall prey to larger fish such as Bass and Pike, but are also preyed upon by water snakes and birds.

Spawning for the Black Madtom occurs from April to June depending on the water temperature. They will often construct nest under rocks which provides the freshly hatched fry with some beginner protection. Eggs only take about 8-10 days to hatch during which time the male will guard the nest. They are even know to guard the nest an additional 3 weeks after the fry are hatch. That is better then some parents I know.

If you have any additional information or fishing tips about the Black Madtom please leave us a comment below.