Salmon Shark (Lamna ditropis)

The Salmon Shark or Lamna ditropis is a species of shark that is found exclusively in the Northern Pacific Ocean. This shark is an apex predator that feeds on Sablefish, Herring, Squid, and of course Salmon. Growing to about 10 ft (3m) and weighing in at almost 1000lbs (450kg) these sharks are sometimes confused with the much more dangerous Great White Shark. They have a white underbelly with the rest of their body a grey to black coloration along with some dark patches.  For an in depth look at this species you can watch a 47 minute documentary by National Geographic in the video below.

One characteristic that sets the Salmon Shark apart from other species is their ability to regulate their body temperature. This helps them survive farther north then almost every species of shark with the exception of the Greenland Shark. They have vascular heat ex-changers known as retia mirabilia, that keeps the blood moving toward extremities. When the blood returns it is warmed, which keeps the core of the shark heated.

Salmon Sharks are ovoviviparous, which means the mother carries the eggs in her belly until they are ready to be born.  A litter size of 2 to 6 pups is not uncommon.  Once hatched they will feed off their embryo until they are ready to feed on their own.

If you have any additional information about the Salmon Shark please leave us a comment below.

Blue Parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus)

The Blue Parrotfish or Scarus coeruleus is just one of the over 90 different species of Parrotfish that inhabit our oceans. As you can see these saltwater fish get their names from their deep blue coloration.

Like other species of Parrot Fish they develop a snout over their lifetime that allows them to feed on coral. They can grow to be quite large, 3' (1m) is about as big as you will find them. You can check out the Blue Parrotfish underwater in the video below.

If you have any additional information about the Blue Parrotfish please leave us a comment below.