Blue Shark (Prionace glauca)

The Blue Shark or Prionace glauca are from the Carcharhinidae family which also includes the Tiger Shark, Bull Shark and the Milk Shark. Blue Sharks are often called the wolves of the sea because they will form schools based on sex and size. These sharks are often found in tropical areas and even have been located in some brackish waters up to 350 meters deep worldwide in tropical and temperate waters.  You can check out the Blue Shark underwater in the video below... 

Blue sharks have a blue colored body with long pectoral fins and a white underbelly. These sharks are large, growing to 12-1/2 feet (3.8 meters) and weighing in at 862lbs (391 kg). These sharks have been known to dine on squid as well as shrimp, smaller sharks, cuttlefish, octopuses and even a few unlucky sea birds.
Like many other sharks, Blue Sharks are viviparous which mean that they have live birth instead of laying eggs. One Blue Shark can produce over 100 pups in one cycle! It takes about 11 months for the pups to develop in a female that is at least 5 years of age. Blue Sharks have a rather odd way of mating which includes the male biting the female. I guess they like it rough! For this reason the female of this species have skin that is 3 times as thick as their male counterparts.

If you have any additional information about the Blue Shark please leave us a comment below.

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