Atlantic Wolffish (Anarhichas lupus)

The Atlantic Wolffish or Anarhichas lupus is a rather odd looking saltwater fish that spends most of its time on the bottom floor of the ocean. They resemble a Blenny in appearance, but are much larger, growing to about 5' (150cm) in length and weighing in at 40lbs (18kg). You can check out some awesome footage of the Atlantic Wolffish in the video below.

This species of Wolffish goes by several different names throughout the world including the Atlantic Catfish, Seawolf, Devil Fish, Ocean Catfish, Wolf Eel and the Sea Cat. They are found in the cold waters of the Atlantic Ocean with a temperature range of 34-37°F (1-2°C). Like some other species of fish, they have a natural antifreeze in their blood that allows them to survive in such frigid conditions!

The Atlantic Wolffish has a serious set of chompers! They have 4-6 fang-like teeth in both their upper and lower jaws as well as a set of conical teeth. Behind that, they have a row of crushing teeth and four pairs of molars! Their throat is also scattered with serrated teeth. They use these extensive sets of teeth to crush anything with a shell and turn it into a tasty meal!

If you have any additional information about the Atlantic Wolffish please leave us a comment below.

Slingjaw Wrasse (Epibulus insidiator)

The Slingjaw Wrasse or Epibulus insidiator is without a doubt one of the strangest fish in our oceans. This fish has an extendo mouth that protrudes out from its body to gobble up unsuspecting prey.  This "slingjaw" can extend to half this fish's body!  You can watch this for yourself in the videos below.

Much like the deep sea Goblin Shark, this fish could easily be the inspiration for several modern day horror films. Lucky for us, this fish only grows to about 1' in length, so they are no danger to humans.  This species of Wrasse is found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans in shallow, tropical waters.  It will normally feed on small fish, crabs and shrimp, but watch out you never know when a Slingjaw Wrasse might be coming for your toe!

This saltwater fish is also a protogynous hermaphrodite, that is it starts life as a female, but as it grows larger it becomes a male.  The females will be a light brown or yellow coloration with the males featuring a dark stripe behind their eyes, with bits of white, yellow, brown and orange.   

If you have any additional information about the Slingjaw Wrasse please leave us a comment below.

Pyramid Butterflyfish (Hemitaurichthys polylepis)

The Pyramid Butterflyfish (Hemitaurichthys polylepis) is just one of the many different species of Butterflyfish. This saltwater fish gets its name from the white pyramid shape on its midsection. This fish's head starts out yellow while it is young, but will turn brown as it matures. These fish can grow up to 7 inches (18cm) in length, and are found on the outer edge of reef systems where they feed on plankton. These fish are also called Yellow Zoster Butterfly or Yellow Pyramid Butterflyfish.
Pyramid Butterflyfish are often seen in schools, and are found in the Western and Central Pacific Oceans, as well as the Eastern Indian Oceans. This fish can be kept in an aquarium, and is considered to be reef safe. They are easy to take care of, but require a large tank of at least 125 gallons. Like most other aquarium fish, providing them with plenty of hiding spaces is always a good idea to keep them happy.  You can view the Pyramid Butterflyfish in it's natural environment in the underwater footage below.

If you have any additional information or care tips for the Pyramid Butterflyfish please leave us a comment below.