Kelp Bass (Paralabrax clathratus)

The Kelp Bass or Paralabrax clathratus is a saltwater fish that is found in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. This fish is also called the Calico Bass, and is found in and around kelp beds. They are also seen in rocky, shallow waters.  You can check out the Calico Bass in action in the video below.

Kelp Bass can reach lengths of about 28-1/2" (72cm), and can live to be about 34 years old. These fish are quite edible and are also fun to catch, with a decent fight for their size. This fish will feed on crustaceans, squid and small fish. They will spawn in the warmer summer months in deep water. Once the babies are developed they will take shelter in the kelp. They are known to become quite territorial while spawning and there are even a few storied of these fish biting humans.
If you have any additional information about the Kelp Bass please leave us a comment below.

Longnose Sawshark (Pristiophorus cirratus)

The Longnose Sawshark or Pristiophorus cirratus is arguably one of the strangest looking fish in all of our oceans! Not only does this saltwater fish have an EXTREMELY long snout that is adorned with saw-like teeth, but it also has a set of barbels that hang down and help this fish detect movement on the sandy bottom. This species of shark will cruise the bottom using its rostrum and barbels to search for any vibrations or electrical fields in the water. They use their rostrum to poke around on the bottom and then slash at any potential meals!

Also known as the Common Sawshark, this species is from the family Pristiophoridae, and is found in the eastern Indian Ocean around southern Australia.  Often confused with Sawfish, they can be differentiated by the location of their gills, and the lack of barbels in the Sawfish.  They can reach lengths of up to 4-1/2' (1.4 meters) and are found in depths of between 40 and 310 meters.  Feeding on small fish and crustaceans, these sharks are not considered to be dangerous to humans, despite their frightening appearance.   You can check out the Longnose Sawshark in the video below.

Longnose Sawsharks are ovoviviparous, giving birth to between three and twenty-two pups in each litter. The pups are born with their teeth folded against their snout, which protects the mother from harm while they are developing inside. A new born pup is between 11-15" long.  They can live to the ripe old age of 15.   

If you have any additional information about the Longnose Sawshark please leave us a comment below.

Penguin Fish (Thayeria boehlkei)

The Penguin Fish or Thayeria boehlkei is just one of the many different species of Tetra fish.  Tetras are from the Characidae family, and can be distinguished from other fish by the presence of a small adipose fin between the dorsal and caudal fins.  They all originate in the tropical freshwaters of the Africa, Central America and South America.

Penguin Fish go by a few different names including Blackline Penguinfish, Blackline Thayeria, Hockey-Stick Tetra, and Penguin Tetra.  These fish are small, only growing to about 3" in length.  They are the perfect starter fish, able to survive in the following water conditions, 64-82° F, KH 4-8 and pH 5.8-8.5.  Penguin Fish work well in a group of six or more, and are great for a community fish tank.  They will accept a variety of foods, and are very eager feeders making them one of the easiest freshwater aquarium fish to care for.  Providing them with live plants and plenty of hiding spaces will keep them happy, and stress free.  You can see how the Penguin Fish would look swimming in your tank in the video below. 

It is possible to breed Penguin Fish in an aquarium setting.  Slightly acidic water is said to help encourage the breeding process.  The female's belly will grow larger and she will eventually lay her eggs.  It only takes about 15 hours for the eggs to hatch, and then the baby fry should be separated from their parents or risk being eaten.

If you have any additional information about the Penguin Fish please leave us a comment below.