Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus)

The Red Drum or Sciaenops ocellatus is a popular sporting fish that is found in the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico in coastal waters. This saltwater fish goes by a few different names including Redfish, Spottail Bass, Reds, Bull Reds or Channel Bass. Most Red Drums have a large black dot on its tail which is said to fool potential predators into attacking its back side rather then head on allowing the fish to escape.

In the wild the Red Drum is often found with its close relative the Black Drum and these two species have even been know to breed with one another. They can grow to about 110lbs, but they are commonly only about 5-10lbs. The smaller the fish the better the taste is a general rule for Red Drums, but the big ones sure are fun to catch. They put up a fantastic fight!
When fishing for Red Drum live bait is always best. Crabs, shrimp and minnows are said to be great for catching Red Drum. These fish are bottom feeders so fish on, or just above the bottom is recommended for best results.  You can check out the a school of Redfish in action in the video below... 

Spawning of the Red Drum occurs from August to October during which a female can produce over 2 million eggs! If you have any additional information about the Red Drum leave us a comment below.

Red Gurnard (Chelidonichthys spinosus)

The Red Gurnard or Chelidonichthys spinosus is just one of the over 100 different species of Sea Robins or Gurnards.  This quite peculiar salt water fish is normally found at the sea floor of the ocean in depths of up to 200 m (660 ft).  Like other Sea Robins, they have a set of wings and six spiny feet that actually allow them to walk on the ocean floor in search of food.  These wings are actually pectoral fins that they use to "fly" through the waters.
Red Gurnard can grow to about 12" (30cm) in length and have armored plates instead of scales much like Sturgeon.  They also have a very solid skull, they are basically built like a tank compared to most other fish.  They even have a defense system consisting of sharp spines on their gill plates and dorsal fins that contain a mild poison.  As if all that wasn't weird enough, these fish are also said to make a croaking sound similar to that of a frog.  They accomplish this noise by using their drumming muscle which beats against its swim bladder.   You can check out a Gurnard in action in the video below...

When on the ocean floor this fish will use its legs to search for food.  Red Gurnard fish are considered to be edible but are not the tastiest fish in the ocean by any means.  If you have any additional information about the Red Gurnard please leave us a comment below.

New Zealand Longfin Eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii)

The New Zealand Longfin Eel or Anguilla dieffenbachii is a freshwater fish that can be distinguished from other Eels by the length of its fins. The dorsal fin of the New Zealand Longfin Eel extends further towards the head then the anal fin. This is in contrast to the Shortfin Eel which fins are both of similar lengths.     

Like some species of Trout, this fish will spend their lives in freshwater, but migrate to saltwater to breed. Longfin Eels are from the Anguillidae family and are quite large measuring in at up to 53lbs (24kg). This impressive size doesn't happen overnight though, in fact they are the slowest growing of all Eel species. They are also one of the longest lived, managing to make it to the ripe old age of 106! 

New Zealand Longfin Eels are omnivores that are not considered to be picky eaters. They will chow on insect larvae of all kinds and small fish as well. Some folks even think they might attack a human under the right circumstances. Have a look at this video from River Monsters that shows their powerful appetites.

If you have any additional information about the New Zealand Longfin Eel please leave us a comment below.

Lemonpeel Angelfish (Centropyge flavissima)

The Lemonpeel Angelfish or Centropyge flavissima is a popular aquarium fish from the Pomacanthidae family of saltwater fish. This species of Angelfish is found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans and can be distinguished from other Angelfish by the blue outlines around its eyes, bottom lip and gill covers.
Lemonpeel Angelfish can grow to about 4" (100cm) in length and are a peaceful aquarium fish that should be fed an omnivorous diet consisting of lots of greens and the occasional meaty snack. Like other Angelfish they are not exactly easy to care for, but their striking appearance still makes them a favorite in the aquarium.

If you check out a Lemonpeel Angelfish in an aquarium in the video below...

If you have any additional information about the Lemonpeel Angelfish including care tips, please leave us a comment below.

Powder Blue Surgeonfish (Acanthurus leucosternon)

The Powder Blue Surgeonfish or Acanthurus leucosternon is a popular aquarium fish from the Acanthuridae family of saltwater fish which includes Tangs and Surgeonfish.  Also known as the Powder Blue Tang, this fish is found in the Indo-pacific area and can grow to about 10" in length with females tending to be a bit larger then their male counterparts.   In the wild they are often found in schools in and around reefs. 

Powder Blue Surgeonfish have an oval shaped body with a black head, blue body and bright yellow dorsal fin and caudal peduncle.  In aquarium they are known to be an aggressive fish and should be kept alone or they will fight each other for territory.  They require a large aquarium and should be fed a omnivorous diet consisting of a variety of vegetable matter and protein foods.    

You can check out these beautiful fish grazing on a reef and in an aquarium setting in the videos below...

If you have any additional information about the Powder Blue Surgeonfish including care tips please leave us a comment.

Queensland Lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri)

The Queensland lungfish or Neoceratodus forsteri is one of the eight remaining species of Lungfish on the planet.  Like other Lungfish it has the ability to survive outside of water for days.  Not quite as impressive as the African Lungfish which can survive outside of water for years!

Also known as the Australian lungfish, Dala, Burnett salmon or the Barramunda, this ancient freshwater fish is the last surviving member of the family Ceratodontidae and order Ceratodontiformes. These fish are found exclusively in the following river systems, Mary, Burnett, Albert, Brisbane, Coomera and the Stanley rivers.

Queensland Lungfish can grow to about 5' in length and can weigh as much as 95lbs with females tending to be a bit larger then their male counterparts. If you manage to catch one of these fish you will notice that they are covered in a slime when they are out of the water.

Like other Lungfish this fish actually has to ability to breath air from the surface when the water levels become low or with poor oxygen levels, often during the dry season. This odd characteristic makes them a favorite in an aquarium setting where they can be fed earthworms, frogs and other kinds of meat to feed their carnivorous appetite.  You can learn more about the Queensland Lungfish in the videos below... 

If you have any additional information about the Queensland Lungfish please leave us a comment below.