Red Diana Hogfish (Bodianus diana)

The Red Diana Hogfish or Bodianus diana is an odd looking fish that can be kept in an aquarium setting, but can be rather aggressive, and should not be housed with docile fish. They have a red body with white spots and white lines on their faces. Their tails and fins have black spots that could almost be considered a series of eye spots. All this makes for one beautiful fish! You can check out a young Red Diana Hogfish underwater in the video below...

Red Diana Hogfish go by a few different names including the Spotted Hogfish and Diana Hogfish and are just one of the many different species of Hogfish. These saltwater fish are from the Labridae family and are not particular large, only growing to about 10" in length. They originate from the Indo-Pacific, but have since become quite popular as pets. When they are young they are often seen picking parasites off of larger fish. As you can see in the picture below their coloration changes quite a bit as they mature.

If you are thinking of keeping the Red Diana Hogfish in your aquarium you should note that they are not reef compatible, and require the following water conditions in a tank of 60 gallons or more, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 and sg 1.020-1.025. These fish are carnivores that require a meaty diet including small feeder fish, worms, mussels and snails. As with many other species of fish, providing plenty of hiding spots keeps this fish happy and healthy.

Blue Blanquillo (Malacanthus latovittatus)

The Blue Blanquillo or Malacanthus latovittatus is just one of the over 40 different species of Tilefish. This particular species gets its name from its bluish coloration. Blue Blanquillo fish are often found in the Indo-Pacific area from the Red Sea to Line Islands, north to southern Japan and south to New Caledonia and Cook Island. They are often seen in areas around reefs near the bottom. These fish are not very large only growing to about 14 in (35 cm) in maximum length. Blue Blanquillo fish are long and slender with elongated dorsal and anal fins. Be careful if you are ever handling these fish as they have spines in their anal fins that can poke you.

When the Blue Blanquillo reproduces their fry have large spines and serrations on their head and large scales in comparison to the size of their bodies. As they grow they tend to stay in water with a temperature range of 72 - 83°F (22 - 28°C). Their diet consists of small invertebrates and zooplankton. Blue Blanquillos are the only known Tilefish that can survive in brackish waters and in saltwater. These fish will often make burrows in the substrate that they hide in when alarmed. They will also seek shelter in caves of even a simple pile of rocks. If you have any additional information about this species of Tilefish let us know in the comments...

Midnight Arothron Puffer

The Midnight Arothron Puffer or Arothron sp. is just one of the over 100 different species of Puffer Fish in the world. This version is dark black in color, which makes it quite unique, and extremely hard to find. As with all other Puffer Fish, this species doesn't have any pelvic fins, but instead uses its pectoral fins to swim. This makes the Midnight Arothron and other Puffers quite the sight to be seen in an aquarium, or while scuba diving.  You can check them out in action in the video below.

The Midnight Arothron Puffer has the ability to blow up its body to over twice its size, which makes for a fantastic deterrent. Not to mention the fact that when these saltwater fish are inflated they have spines that stick out of their bodies. If that weren't enough, parts of this fish's flesh are poisonous so most fish learn, sometimes the hard way, not to mess with the Midnight Arothron Pufferfish.

Also known simply as the Black Puffer, this fish can grow to just over 12" in length. Like other Puffers these fish have a sharp beak-like mouth that it uses to crush and eat its prey. All of these strange characteristics makes the Midnight Arothron Puffer a great addition to a saltwater aquarium. One at least 100 gallon is recommended with the following water conditions, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 and sg 1.020-1.025. One thing to note about this Puffer and all other species of Puffer Fish in an aquarium is that if the Puffer inflates itself outside of water it can harm or even kill the fish, so always use a container to transfer this fish when cleaning your tank. They should be fed a variety of food to satisfy its carnivorous diet including krill, clams, squid and hard shelled shrimp. These hard shells are needed to wear down this fish's ever growing teeth. These fish also like to have a well lite aquarium and a protein skimmer.

If you have any additional information about the Midnight Arothron Pufferfish that you would like to share please spread your knowledge below...

Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis)

The Striped Bass or Morone saxatilis is an anadromous fish which simply means that they spend most of their lives in saltwater, but return to freshwater to breed. This fish is found in the Atlantic Ocean near the shores of North America. Striped Bass are an extremely popular sporting fish, in fact they are the state fish of Rhode Island, Maryland, South Carolina and Kentucky! The Atlantic Ocean isn't the only place you can find Striped Bass though, they have been introduced to many places across the world including Iran, Russia, Ecuador, Latvia, Russia, Turkey and South Africa as well as on the Pacific Coastline of North America.

Striped Bass go by a few different names including Rockfish, Pimpfish and Stripers. They have long horizontal stripes that run from their gills to the base of their tail. These fish can get quite large reaching lengths of over 6-1/2' and can weigh over 125lbs! They are also quite long lived, reaching the ripe old age of 30. You can check out the Striped Bass for yourself in the video below...

Striped Bass will normally spawn in freshwater, often in rivers, creeks, bays or tributaries that are close to the ocean. After the eggs are hatch they spend a bit of time in the freshwater, but will almost always make their way to saltwater where they spend the rest of their lives.
Popular fishing methods for Striped Bass include trolling and surfcasting. The baits to use when fishing for this type of Bass are Eels, Herring, Anchovies, Clams, Nightcrawlers, Sandworms and even Chicken Livers! If you have a fishing tip or recipe for Striped Bass that you would like to share please do so below...

Jellynose Fish (Ateleopodidae)

The Jellynose Fish or Ateleopodidae is a deep sea fish that is rarely seen by the human eye, and sometimes simply referred to as a tadpole. There are about 12 different species of Jellynose Fish in the world. Jellynose Fish can reach lengths of about 6' long and weigh in at over 100lbs. They have very long tails and small teeth, which they use to scrounge off the bottom. This deep sea creature has no scale and is made of a gelatinous material that is mostly fat. This strange body makeup is perfect for surviving the crushing force of the water at these extreme depths. Since they are found so deep in the ocean, often at depths of over 1000 feet there is not a lot more known about this strange species of fish.Recently in Brazil a possible new species of Jellynose Fish was discovered. Below you can see some extremely rare footage of a Jellynose Fish underwater...

If you have any additional information about Jellynose Fish that you would like to add please leave us a comment...

King Mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla)

The King Mackerel or Scomberomorus cavalla is just one of the numerous kinds of Mackerels in our oceans. This particular species is often found in the Gulf of Mexico and the Western Atlantic Ocean. These fish have scales, but they are very loosely attached to their bodies. They are often silver with a white underbelly. Smaller fish tend to have brown spots on their sides.
King Mackerel can get quite large weighing in at nearly 100lbs! They are often found in waters with a temperature range of 68 to 85 °F (20 to 29 °C). If you are fishing for these Mackerels you will normally find them in depths of 50 to 150 feet. Once hooked this sporting fish is said to be one of the best pound for pound fighters in the ocean. Trolling with live baitfish, jigs and spoons are said to produce the most action. These fish are quite edible, but it is recommended that children and pregnant woman stay away from this fish because of its high levels of Mercury. Other fish to avoid if you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant include Sharks, Swordfish and Tilefish. When it comes time for the King Mackerel to reproduce the eggs and sperm are disbursed into the sea where their union is completely by chance. Females can produce over a million eggs in a single season though so don't worry! It only takes about 24 hours for the eggs to hatch after they are fertilized. Like some other fish they are born with a yolk sack that gives them nutrition for the first part of their lives until they can locate a food source.

If you have any additional information about King Mackerel fish including recipes and fishing tips please leave us a comment below.

Western Blue Devil (Paraplesiops meleagris)

The Western Blue Devil or Paraplesiops meleagris is a saltwater fish that is found around Australia, normally in or around reefs/caves. This fish has very large eyes with light blue spots that cover its entire body. There is also a bit of light blue that can be found on their fins and tail. They have elongated pelvic, anal and dorsal fins, which gives them the look of a Betta fish. Because this fish is so hard to find, the Western Blue Devil is one very expensive fish to house in an aquarium setting.If you have got the money burning a hole in your pocket though this fish requires an aquarium of at least 70 gallons with the following water conditions, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025 and 64-72° F. This fish is quite large for an aquarium, growing to just over 1' in length. As you can see the Western Blue Devil body becomes more blue as it grows older. It can also be quite territorial, so it should be kept alone in a tank or with others similar fish in a very large aquarium. You can check out the Western Blue Devil underwater in its natural habitat in the video below...

Also known as the Blue Betta, these fish are nocturnal and like to have a few hiding spots during the days to hide from the bright lights. As you can imagine they become much more active at night. Western Blue Devils are carnivores that should be fed a variety of meaty foods including feeder shrimp.

Clown Frogfish (Antennarius maculatus)

The Clown Frogfish or Antennarius maculatus is just one of the over 45 different species of Frogfish that inhabit our oceans. This saltwater fish goes by a few different names including the Wartskin Angler, Warty Frogfish or Wartskin Frogfish. As you can see in the pictures this fish looks a lot like a rock or even a piece of coral. This disguise makes it harder for potential predators to spot it.

The coloration of the Clown Frogfish can vary by quite a bit. Some are brown or red, others yellow or purple and even a few white ones. You see, this fish actually has the ability to change its colors to blend in with whatever the colors of its habitat might be. They are not particularly large fish grow to only about 6" in maximum length. Like other Frogfish this fish can actually walk along the bottom using its fins as legs! Clown Frogfish are often kept in an aquarium setting. They are not the hardest to care for and require a tank of about 20 gallons or more. These fish are well suited for a reef aquarium. They should be fed saltwater feeder shrimp as first to help them become accustom to the aquarium. After a bit they will eat a normal carnivorous diet. The following water conditions are acceptable for this fish, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 and sg 1.020-1.025. You can check out the Clown Frogfish along with a few other creatures in the video below...

In the wild this Frogfish will ambush its prey by using its camouflage and lying very still. When its dinner gets a bit too close this fish will grab it and swallow it whole! Their mouths are quite large so they can accommodate a fish almost its own size! Since the Clown Frogfish has no real teeth it lets the juices digest its prey whole.

Ballyhoo (Hemiramphus brasiliensis)

The Ballyhoo or Hemiramphus brasiliensis is a saltwater fish that is often used as bait. This fish is a species of Halfbeak and has a silver body with green and black on it back and darker fins. As you can see, this fish has a "beak" that sticks out quite far. In fact, this "beak" can make up almost 20% of its total body length. This fish is often found in the Gulf of Mexico and will have a bit of red on its tail. It is used to catch all kinds of saltwater game fish including Mahi Mahi, Marlins, Sailfish, Mackerel, Tarpon and many others.

Ballyhoo are small, only reaching about 16" in maximum length. They have short pectoral fins and un-scaled anal and dorsal fins. If you are thinking of trying to catch a few for bait you can normally find them in sandy bottoms right around the surface. You can learn how to rig a Ballyhoo in the video below...

When the Ballyhoo spawn they release a substance that allows their eggs to stick to floating debris. This helps them spread their species to different locations. If you have additionally information about the Ballyhoo fish that you would like to share please do!

Cubicus Boxfish (Ostracion cubicus)

The Cubicus Boxfish or Ostracion cubicus is one of the easiest saltwater fish to identify because there simply aren't very many fish in the world that are shaped like a box! Also known as the Polka Dot Boxfish or the Yellow Boxfish they can grow to about 1-1/2' in length. When they are young they have a yellow body with brown spots, but as they grow older the yellow will fade to a brownish coloration. You can check out the Cubicus Boxfish in its nature habitat in the video below...

Although Cubicus Boxfish are not considered to be very easy to keep in an aquarium some people have had success. The following water conditions in an aquarium of 125 gallons or more are acceptable, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 and sg 1.020-1.025. Most of the reason that people don't like to house these fish in an aquarium is that if they die or become stressed they release a poison called ostracitoxin out of its glands. This substance will sometimes kill the other fish in the tank! As you can imagine in the wild this makes for a serious deterrent. A potential predators will take a taste and then immediately spit out this poisonous fish. In the aquarium though, be sure to take out the dead Cubicus Boxfish as soon as possible and do a water change of at least 50%.
This fish is an omnivore that will eat brine shrimp or bloodworms along with mussels, clams and squid. One last thing to note is that you need an aquarium with a tight lid to keep this fish from jumping to its death.

Green Terror (Aequidens rivulatus)

The Green Terror or Aequidens rivulatus is one of the most popular cichlid fish in the aquarium trade. This freshwater fish has beautiful blue markings on its face, fins and tail. The male Green Terror generally has a longer tail fin and is outline with red. They can grow to about 8" in maximum length and are peaceful, but can become increasingly ornery as they grow older. As you can see in the picture they also have the distinctive cichlid bump on their heads.

Green Terror fish are not that hard to care for and don't require a huge aquarium, about 50 gallons or so will be fine. Like other cichlid fish, Green Terrors like to have a few hiding spots and a nice sandy bottom. The following water conditions are acceptable, 72-80° F, KH 9-20 and pH 6.5-8.0. If you have live plants watch out they can be dug up by these fish. Simply planted them in pots will avoid this from happening.Green Terrors are very easy to breed in captivity, provide a nice flat rock and the female will lay her eggs. If you remove the fry they will spawn quite often and soon you will have more than you know what to do with. You can check out the Green Terror in an aquarium in the video below...

These fish are omnivores that are not considered to be picky eaters. Freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, flake food and Cichlid Pellets work best for these fish. They are quite inexpensive and make a great starter fish!

European Flounder (Platichthys flesus)

The European Flounder or Platichthys flesus is just one of the five different species of Flounder. This flatfish is known best for its delicious flavor and strange appearance. The European Flounder can actually change its color to match its surroundings. This along with the fact that this salt water fish is very slim, and often found on the bottom makes the Flounder one hard fish to spot.European Flounder are found in the Northern European coastal waters and are oval in shape and usually right-eyed. When the European Flounder is first born they have an eye on each side of its head, but as they grow older one eye migrates to the other side of their bodies. This makes the eyes face upwards which helps them spot potential prey swimming by. They can grow to about 50cm in maximum length (20 inches) and weight of 2.7 kg (6 pounds). When not blending into their surroundings they are a brownish coloration with a white underbelly.The European Flounder can survive in brackish waters with soft bottom. They will often burrow into the bottom and lie and wait for an easy unsuspecting meal to swim by. They are nocturnal, feeding often under the cover of darkness. Spawning for the European Flounder occurs during the months of February through June. You can check out the European Flounder underwater in the video below...

If you have any additional information about the European Flounder including recipes or fishing tips please let us know.