Bursa Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus verrucosus)

The Bursa Triggerfish or Rhinecanthus verrucosus is one of the many different species of Triggerfish on planet earth. This particular species can grow to about 9" in length and originates from Indonesia. They are called several different names throughout the world including the Black Patch Triggerfish and the Blackbelly Triggerfish.

The Bursa Triggerfish has a mustache of sorts that really gives them an unusual appearance. They also have a colorful mask around their eyes and the classic Triggerfish beak-like mouth, not to mention their dorsal spines that give the Triggerfish its name. This fish will use these spines to wedge itself into tight crevices when threatened.  Bursa Triggerfish can also be identified by a large black circle that is found on the lower half of its body towards it caudal fin (tail).
As you can imagine these saltwater fish are very popular in an aquarium setting and are fairly reasonably priced which makes them all the more popular. An aquarium of about 80 gallons or more with the following water conditions will work well, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 and sg 1.020-1.025. These fish are carnivores that should be fed meaty foods like small fish, squid, krill, clams, and plenty of hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth. One interesting fact about these fish is that they tend to make a grunting sound and will often rearrange the furniture in the aquarium.

Bronze Whaler (Carcharhinus brachyurus)

The Bronze Whaler or Carcharhinus brachyurus is a species of shark that is a commonly found near the coast in all the subtropical oceans and seas in the world, with the exception of the east cost of North America. As you can imagine with a name like the Bronze Whaler they are not small, growing to 11' (3.5m) in length and weighing in at 660lbs (300 kg).

Brozne Whaler Sharks go by a couple different names throughout the world including the Narrowtooth Shark, and the Copper Shark. These saltwater fish have a broad snout and are lacking a interdorsal ridge. The Bronze Whaler is actually a grayish bronze in coloration with white on their lower bodies.
These sharks are considered dangerous to humans. They are often found in relatively shallow waters where they feed on schooling fish including Salmon. When they reproduce the Bronze Whaler has up to twenty live pups. They can live to about 30 years old. You can check out the Bronze Whaler in its nature habitat along with some amazing Sardine footage in the video below...

If you have any questions or additional information about the Bronze Whaler shark leave us a comment.

Guadalupe Bass (Micropterus treculii)

The Guadalupe Bass or Micropterus treculii is a freshwater fish that is often found in flowing waters almost exclusively in the state of Texas where it is the official state fish.  Also known as the Black Bass, this fish is green in color and can be differentiated from its close relative the Smallmouth Bass by the lack of vertical bars across its body.  You can tell the difference between this fish and the Largemouth Bass by its jaw.  The jaw of the Guadalupe Bass doesn't extend beyond the eyes like the Largemouth Bass.  It can be particularly tricky to tell the difference between the Spotted Bass.  Just watch the coloration, the Guadalupe Bass's colors extend much lower on their bodies than the color of the Spotted Bass.

This species of Bass does not grow very large because of their habitat.  Often caught in small streams these fish can only grow to about 4lbs.  They reproduce rather quickly though, becoming sexually mature at just one year old.  Guadalupe Bass will spawn in the months of March through June.  Building a gravel nest, they will lay up to 9,000 eggs in shallow waters. The males will keep guard of the nest until the eggs hatch.  You can see the Guadalupe Bass underwater in the video below...    

If you have any additional information or questions about the Guadalupe Bass please leave us a comment!

Watanabei Angelfish (Genicanthus watanabei)

The Watanabei Angelfish or Genicanthus watanabei is just one of the many different species of Angelfish in the Pomacanthidae family. This species is one of the few that display sexual dimorphism. (Don't worry I had to look it up too.) This simple means that the male and the female look different from one another. The male Watanabei Angelfish is a pale blue with the lower half of its body highlighted by dark stripes. It also has one orange stripe running horizontally from the middle of its body to its tail. Females are a pale blue as well with a dark dorsal fin and no stripes.
Also known as the Blackedged Angelfish, and the Watanabe's Lyretail Angelfish, these saltwater fish can be kept in an aquarium, but are quite pricey, normally over $100 per fish! They do best in a male/female pair with the following water conditions in a tank of 100 gallons or more, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 and sg 1.020-1.025. Warning: Do not put two males together in the same tank as they will attack each other. A reef aquarium with lots of hiding spaces and live rock should keep them healthy and happy. Feeding the Watanabei Angelfish marine algae, spirulina and frozen shrimp. They can grow to about 6" in maximum length, and are found in the wild in the central and western Pacific Ocean.  You can check out a male Watanabei Angelfish in an aquarium in the video below... 

If you have any questions about the Watanabei Angelfish or care tips please drop us a line...

Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus)

The Red Snapper or Lutjanus campechanus is a popular sporting fish in places like the Gulf Of Mexico and the southeastern Atlantic Ocean. These saltwater fish are found in waters of 30 to 300ft around reeds, rocky bottoms and many other places that provide potential shelter like shipwrecks. As you can imagine, these fish are reddish in color and can grow to about 40 lbs (18 kg) in maximum weight.
Also known as the Huachinango, and the Pargo, the body shape of this fish is much like that of other Snappers. They also have the razor sharp teeth that give them their Snapper name, handle with care. If you do manage to catch one of these fish there will most likely be more, because they are almost always found in schools. Once caught, this fish's flesh is considered to be one of the finest in the world to eat.  You can check out a large school of Red Snapper fish in the video below... 

If you have any additional information including fishing tips or questions about the Red Snapper please leave us a comment.

Canary Blenny (Meiacanthus oualanensis)

The Canary Blenny or Meiacanthus oualanensis is just one of the many different species of Blennies on our planet. These salt water fish get their names from their brilliant yellow coloration. Like other Blennies, they are not very big only growing to about 5" in length, with males normally being a bit larger than their female counterparts.
The Canary Blenny goes by a few different names including the Canary Fang Blenny and the Oualan Forktail Blenny. They are often kept in an aquarium setting and are considered to be fairly easy to take care of. An aquarium of about 40 gallons is acceptable with lots of live rock and the following water conditions, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 and sg 1.020-1.025. These fish are herbivores that should be fed brine shrimp, mysis shrimp and other healthy treats.  You can check out the Canary Blenny in an aquarium setting in the video below.  

One thing to note about the Canary Blenny is that they are venomous, and should be handled with extreme care.  If you have any additional observations about the Canary Blenny please share...

Gray Triggerfish (Balistes capriscus)

The Gray Triggerfish or Balistes capriscus is a species of Triggerfish that is often caught on a fishing line instead of in an aquarium, like a lot of other Triggers. These saltwater fish can weigh up to 13 pounds (5.9 kg) and can grow to about 30 inches (76 cm) in maximum length. They can live for about 13 years and go by a few different names including Leatherjacket, Filefish, Turbot and Pig Faced. Found in the Western Atlantic Ocean, Gulf Of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea in relatively shallow waters these fish are normally spotted in less than 180 feet (55 meters).

Gray Triggerfish have tough, leathery skin with two dorsal fins. They have spines on their dorsal fins that they use as defense. When threatened these fish will find a tight crevice in which they will wedge themselves. Their spines will lock into place and help them anchor in place.
If you have been lucky enough to catch and eat a Gray Triggerfish, you know just how delicious they are whether smoked, fresh or salted. Gray Triggerfish will normally feed on crabs, shrimp, sand dollars, sea stars and sea cucumbers. This saltwater fish has actually developed an interesting way of uncovering food. The Gray Triggerfish will shoot a stream of water at the sandy bottom to uncover sand dollars hidden underneath. If they don't find anything they will simply move a few feet and blow again until they find their next meal.  You can check out the Gray Triggerfish in the video below... 

Many different fish feed on the Gray Triggerfish including Amberjacks, Grouper, Marlin, Sharks, Tuna, Dolphinfish and Sailfish. If you have any questions or additional information about the this Triggerfish please leave a comment.

Emerald Eye Rasbora (Rasbora dorsiocellata)

The Emerald Eye Rasbora or Rasbora dorsiocellata is a small freshwater fish that does well in community aquariums.  This species of Rasbora only grows to about 2-1/2" (6cm), so this little guy only requires an aquarium of 10 gallons or more with the following water conditions, 73-79° F, KH 3-7 and pH 6.0-7.5.

The Emerald Eye Rasbora goes by a few different names including the Ocellated Rasbora, Hi-spot Rasbora, and Eyespot Rasbora.  This species originates from inside Asia, and can be identified by its dorsal fin, which is yellow with a black spot near the center.
If you are thinking of buying a Emerald Eye Rasbora for your aquarium you might want to consider picking up a few.  They do very well in schools and are an inexpensive fish, normally under $5.  An aquarium with plenty of plants and space for swimming will work best.  They are omnivores that can be fed bloodworms, tubifex and flake food as well.  You can check out the Emerald Eye Rasbora in the aquarium below...  

If you have any questions about the Emerald Eye Rasbora or aquatic tips leave us a comment below!

Spotted Ratfish (Hydrolagus colliei)

The Spotted Ratfish or Hydrolagus colliei is actually a shark with venomous spines on the edge of their dorsal fins.  These deep sea fish are found in the Pacific Ocean at depths of up to 3,000 feet deep, but like other Ratfish they will often move into shallower waters during the spring and autumn months.
Spotted Ratfish can grow to about 1-1/2' long (91cm), with the females being the larger of the two.  As you can see in the pictures, they have large pectoral fins that almost look like wings.  They have a very long caudal fin (tail) which is how they got their name, the Ratfish.  Their bodies are dark with white spots and light colored fins.  One thing you will notice right away about these fish if you see encounter them underwater is their glowing green eyes much like a cat!  You can check out the Spotted Ratfish for yourself in the video below... 

Spotted Ratfish feed on shrimp, worms and other small fish. They fall prey to Pacific Halibut and some small to medium sized sharks.  If you have any questions or comments about the Spotted Ratfish please share!

Weeksii Bichir (Polypterus weeksii)

The Weeksii Bichir or Polypterus weeksii is a rather odd looking creature that looks more like a snake than a freshwater fish.  Originating in the Congo in Africa, this fish from the Polypteridae family has since made its way into the aquarium trade.  As you can see in the pictures, they have a large head and black banding on their bodies.   
Also known as the Mottled Bicher and the Fatheaded Bicher, this fish has a long skinny body that can reach lengths of over 1-1/2'.  Like the Snakehead and the African Lungfish, the Weeksii Bichir has the ability to survive OUTSIDE of water for short periods of time.  Even though they aren't the prettiest fish to look at, many people still keep them as pets.  An aquarium of at least 70 gallons is recommended with the following water conditions, 77-83° F, KH 1-12 and pH 6.5-7.5.  Make sure you have a nice tight lid and plenty of hiding spots or caves.  Weeksii Bichir are carnivorous fish that should be fed live feeder fish as well as other meaty foods including beef heart.   You can see these fish in an aquarium setting in the video below...

If you have any additional information or questions about the Weeksii Bichir please leave us a comment.

Common Thresher Shark (Alopias vulpinus)

The Common Thresher or Alopias vulpinus is a species shark that can reach 20' (6m) in length and can weigh over 1000lbs! Nearly half of its length comes from its long caudal fin or tail. This long tail is a trait shared by other species in the family Alopiidae. Common Threshers are found in tropical and temperate climates throughout the world, but due to their slow reproduction rate and overfishing this species is close to becoming endangered. These fish have be reported from the surface waters all the way down to 1,800ft (550m) deep! They go by many different names including the Atlantic Thresher, Thintail Thresher, Thrasher, Fox Shark, Grayfish, Green Thresher, Sea Fox, Slasher, Swiveltail, Thresher Shark and Whip-Tailed Shark.  You can check out this shark underwater in the video below... 

The Common Thresher is the largest of the Threshers Sharks which get their names from the thrashing motion that they use to stunt their prey. These saltwater fish are often confused with their close cousin the Pelagic Thresher Shark, but can be differentiated by their bellies. The Common Thresher has the white on its belly that extends in a band over the bases of its pectoral fins.
These fish are fast and have the ability to leap entirely out of the water much like the dangerous Great White Shark. They feed on small schooling fish like Mackerel and Herring. Common Thresher Sharks are not considered to be dangerous to humans.

If you have any additional information or questions about the Common Thresher Shark let us know.

Gold Datnoid (Datnioides undecimradiatus)

The Gold Datnoid or Datnioides undecimradiatus is a freshwater fish with a rather large head for its body size. This fish is mostly white and yellow with dark stripes. Sometimes it is referred to as the Siamese Tigerfish, the Mekong Tiger Perch and the Thinbar Datnoid. It doesn't have anything on a the Goliath Tigerfish, but this fish is a predator.  You can check out the Gold Datnoid with your own eyes in the video below... 

As you can imagine their striking appearance makes them a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts. Since this fish grows to about 16" in length, you do need a rather large tank, at least 100 gallons will work. They are not the easiest fish to care for, but once acclimated to an aquarium with the following water conditions they will do just fine, 71-78° F, KH 12-18 and pH 7.0-7.5. Adding plenty of hiding spots, rocks and driftwood will keep them happy and healthy. Like many aquarium fish the Gold Datnoid is only aggressive towards its own species. These fish should be fed a carnivorous diet of brine shrimp, bloodworms and other meaty foods. Gold Datnoid fish have been known to live as long as 10 years.
If you have any additional information or questions about the Gold Datnoid feel free to leave a comment.