Queen Triggerfish (Balistes vetula)

 The Queen Triggerfish or Balistes vetula is a saltwater species of Triggerfish that is found in the Atlantic Ocean, often in and around reefs in depths of up to 20 meters. Like other Triggers, this fish has a striking appearance with bright blue lines running around its tail, eyes and mouth.

Queen Triggerfish can grow to about 24" (61cm) in length.  They have the ability to change coloration slightly to better match its surroundings, protecting it from potential predators. Invertebrates around reefs are normally the food of choice for these Queens.

Queen Triggerfish are sometimes kept in an aquarium. One of at least 500 gallons is recommended for healthy living. They should be fed a variety of foods including clams, squid, shrimp, octopus and crabs.  You can watch the Queen Triggerfish swimming in the video below...

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Shorthead Redhorse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum)

The Shorthead Redhorse or Moxostoma macrolepidotum is a freshwater fish that is found in North America in places east of the Rocky Mountains and into places of Canada. This fish has a red tail fin and a red outline on its dorsal fin. This fish is part of the sucker family so it is often found on the bottom feeding on mollusks, insects, plant matter and crustaceans.
The Shorthead Redhorse goes by a few different names including Shorthead Mullet, Bigscale Sucker, Common Mullet, Redfin, Common Redhorse, Des Moines Plunger, Mullet, Northern Redhorse, Red Sucker and the Redhorse Mullet. These fish have a slender body that can grow to about 24" and weigh up to 8lbs. They have large coarse scales that cover their bodies. They can be distinguished from other suckers by these large scales and their bright red tail.
Spawning occurs in April around rubble or gravel and once the eggs are laid they are not guarded. They will hatch in about 5 days. These fish are edible, but are not considered to be the highest of quality.  You can check out a close relative of this fish the Greater Redhorse (Moxostoma valenciennesi) below in the video. 

If you have any additional information about the Shorthead Redhorse please leave us a comment below.

Green Humphead Parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum)

The Green Humphead Parrotfish or Bolbometopon muricatum is the largest species of Parrotfish in the world. This saltwater fish can grow to almost 4-1/2 feet long (1.3 meters) in length, and can weigh up to 100lbs (46kg). This rather odd fish is found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, normally around reefs in groups of up to 75. This schooling makes them extreme vulnerable to spearfishing and netting as they sleep at night. For this reason they are listed as a species of concern.  Destruction of their habitats is also causing their numbers to fall.

Green Humphead Parrotfish go by many different names including Buffalo Parrotfish, Giant Parrotfish, Humphead Parrotfish, Double-Headed Parrotfish and the Bumphead Parrotfish. This species of Parrotfish can be differentiated from others by the fact that it is covered with scales with the exception of the front of its head.
Green Humphead Parrotfish can live to almost 40 years old and will develop a hump on their forehead as they mature, hence their name. These fish are normally gray or green in coloration with the exception of parts of their heads which can have a bit of pink on them.  This fish will feed on algae and live corals and are often seen ramming their heads against corals for dinner. To view a Green Humphead in its natural habitat check out the video below. 

If you have any additional information about the Green Humphead Parrotfish please share in the comments below.

Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii)

The Cutthroat Trout or Oncorhynchus clarkii is just one of the many species of Trout from the salmon family.  This fish is listed as a threatened species due to lose of habitat and introduction of non-native species to its environment in western North America.  Despite this the Cutthroat Trout is the state fish of Idaho and Wyoming and is sought after by many anglers especially fly fishermen and women. 

Some kinds of Cutthroat Trout are anadromous which means they spend part of their lives in freshwater and part in saltwater.  Most of this species though does spend its time in the freshwater with the exception of those on the coastline.  There are many different sub species of Cutthroat Trout including Alvord cutthroat trout, Bonneville cutthroat trout, Humboldt cutthroat trout, Lahontan cutthroat trout, Whitehorse Basin cutthroat trout, Paiute cutthroat trout, Snake River fine-spotted cutthroat trout, Westslope cutthroat trout, Yellowfin cutthroat trout, Yellowstone cutthroat trout, Colorado River cutthroat trout, Greenback cutthroat trout and Rio Grande cutthroat trout. 
Cutthroat Trout can grow to about 20lbs (9 kg) maximum and can grow as long at 40" (102cm).  There are a few sub species of Cutthroat Trout so this fish can range greatly in size, coloration and habitat.  Some are golden while others are more gray in color.  All of them have red, pink or orange marks on the underside of their jaws, this is a sure way to tell if you have caught a Cutthroat Trout.  You can check out some amazing footage of Cutthroat Trouts underwater in the video below...          

If you have any additional information about the Cutthroat Trout including recipes and fishing tips please leave us a comment below.

White Perch (Morone americana)

The White Perch or Morone americana is a species of freshwater fish that is sometimes referred to as the Silver Perch. Even though this fish is called a perch, it doesn't belong to the same family as the Yellow Perch, and is actually closer to a Bass. This fish is medium sized only growing to about 20" in maximum length and weighing in at nearly 5lbs.

White Perch have large scales and a white underbelly with a gray-green coloration on its back and sides that fades to a silver as you move downward. As you can see in the pictures this fish has a serious dorsal spines so be careful when handling them.   They are found in freshwater as well as brackish waters in places like Maine, and other coastal areas.

White Perch are known to eat small Walleye, Yellow Perch, minnows and fish eggs. They can reproduce rather quickly, with the female producing 140,000 eggs in a single spawning session. These eggs will hatch in about a week.

In some places White Perch are loved for their great fight and tasty meat, but other places they are looked upon as a nuisance that destroys other species by their quick breeding and appetite for small fish and eggs.  The have been discovered in the Great Lakes and are thought to cause serious troubles for the Walleye population.  

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Pearly Razorfish (Xyrichtys novacula)

The Pearly Razorfish or Xyrichtys novacula is a beautiful species of Razorfish that grows to about 10" (25cm) in length and is found at depths of up to 100 feet (30 meters).  These saltwater fish can live up to 8 years old and are found in subtropical regions in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean as well as the Gulf of Mexico.     

Pearly Razorfish have a snout that is very blunt along with a pale body with red highlights on its elongated fins.  Its head it probably the most interested part of this saltwater fish, it has a gorgeous pattern of vertical lines made of light blue, yellow and orange coloration.    

Pearly Razorfish are known to feed on mollusks, shrimp and crabs and are normally found in and around seagrass beds and corals.  When this fish is frightened it will often dive head first into the sand to hide from its predator.  You can check out a Pearly Razorfish doing just that in the video below...     

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Swordspine Snook (Centropomus ensiferus)

The Swordspine Snook or Centropomus ensiferus is a species of Snook that is found inshore in brackish or fresh waters in South Florida in The United States. This species of Snook is the smallest, only growing to about 12" in length and weighing in at about 1 lbs maximum.

Swordspine Snook have a very prominent lateral line that runs all the way down their bodies and into their caudal fin. They get their name from their rather large anal spine that sticks out like a sharp sword. Normally yellowish green in coloration, they have a silver underbelly and have the largest scales of all the species of Snook.

Swordspine Snook will spawn in the summertime and are able to survive in both saltwater and freshwater, but cannot survive in waters below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. They feed on smaller fish and crustaceans.  You can check out the Swordspine Snook along with a Lima Catfish in the video below... 

If you are fishing for Swordspine Snook you know just how hard they can be to catch. They are known to be rather picky about what bait they go after and are notorious for their powerful fight in relation to their small size. Fishing for Swordspine Snook is often done at night around mangroves, docks and inlets. If you have any additionally information about the Swordspine Snook please leave us a comment below.

Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus)

The Round Goby or Neogobius melanostomus is a freshwater fish that is found in Lakes Michigan, Huron, Erie and Superior in the state of Michigan but originated in Europe. This fish has a gray body with blotches of black and brown scattered across it. Round Goby are not very large only growing to about 10 to 25 cm in length.  As Round Goby grow they will eat a variety of foods including small fish, eggs, insect larvae, zebra mussels and clams.
These fish are often confused with Sculpins, but can be differentiated by their pelvic fin. The Round Goby has a fused pelvic fin, while Sculpins have a split pelvic fin. Like other Gobies they can reproduce quickly, producing about 5,000 eggs multiple times throughout the summer months. Male Round Goby will guard the nest fanning the eggs to keep them oxygenated and protecting them from potential predators. Their quick reproduction rate combined with the fact that they can survive in brackish and low quality water makes them an invasive species.  You can check out a bunch of Round Goby fish attacking a Smallmouth Bass nest in the video below...

If you have any additional information about the Round Roby please leave us a comment below...

Opah (Lampris gutatus)

The Opah or Lampris gutatus is a saltwater fish that goes by a couple different names including the Moonfish, Sunfish, Kingfish, Redfin Ccean Pan and the Jerusalem Haddock. This fish is has a circular shape and can grow very large, up to 6 feet in length and weighing up to 700lbs! Their fins are red in color with a body that is less tan twice as long as it is wide. Opah are sometimes confused with other fish, but can be distinguished by its 14 to 17 pectoral rays. These fish have a singular dorsal fin with long pectoral and pelvic fins and a concave caudal fin. There is also a gold band around their eyes.

Often caught for sport, these fish are also a good food source and are often hooked in waters of 200 to 1,200 feet deep in the Pacific Ocean. One of the most common meals for the Opah is squid, but it will also eat smaller fish and invertebrates. This fish tends to travel with Tuna and Billfish in search of food.
As you can image due to its enormous size and strong body these fish are fantastic fighters and will put up a serious challenge for even the most experienced of anglers.  The depths that they inhabit also make them extreme difficult to capture.

If you have any additonal information about the Opah fish please leave us a comment below.

Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax)

The Rainbow Smelt or Osmerus mordax is a rather small fish that is found in many places in North America including the Great Lakes and many coastal rivers. Rainbow Smelt have slender bodies that have an iridescent look to them with shades of blue, pink and purple on their sides, a silver back and a light underside.  Like other Smelt, they are not particularly large only growing to about 12" in maximum length and weighing in at about 3 oz maximum.

These fish go by a couple different names including American Smelt, Leefish, Freshwater Smelt, and Frost Fish.  Rainbow Smelt fall prey to a few different species of fish including Walleye, Yellow Perch, Coho Salmon, Burbot and Trout. This species of Smelt will often dine on small invertebrates, zooplankton, Whitefish, sculpins and are even known to eat other Smelt!

Rainbow Smelt are caught both commercially and for recreation.  They are edible, but are often used as animal feed and are not considered to be one of the tastiest fish.  Rainbow Smelt are considered an invasive species that can cause serious damage when introduced in the wrong locations.  While they do provide food for larger fish, they also reproduce quite quickly and can easily become overpopulated in a rather short period of time.

Some Rainbow Smelt are anadromous which means that they can live in salt water as well as fresh water near the coastline.  This fish spends much of its summer around the coast line only a mile or so inside the ocean.  In the wintertime this fish has a special anti-freeze protein that helps it survive the harsh winters.  Once Spring comes Rainbow Smelt will spawn at night in small streams.     

You can check out these Rainbow Smelt with your own eyes in the video below...

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European Conger Eel (Conger conger)

The European Conger Eel or Conger conger is the the largest known Eel in the ocean measuring 2.87 m (9.5 ft) in length and weighing in at an impressive 60.6 kg (133¼ lb)!  Like other Eels, this saltwater fish has a snake like body and is found at a great range of depths.  When the European Conger Eel is young it is often inhabits shallow coastal waters, but as it grows older they make their way to deeper waters of up to 1000 meters.  This species is just one of the many different kinds of Conger Eels and goes by a couple different names including Sea Eel, Southern Conger, Koiro, Ngoio and the Silver Eel. 

European Conger Eels are found in a few different places around the world including the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and the eastern Atlantic Ocean.  They are nocturnal predators that feed on mollusks, small fish and crustaceans.  This type of Eel can be caught with a hook and line and is not raised on fish farms.  They are edible and are said to have a sweet taste with a firm texture.  Eels are often served smoked, canned, fresh or jellied.  As with all other fish, they are best served fresh.  You can check out some Conger Eels in action in the video below...

If you have any additional information about the European Conger Eel please leave us a comment below!

Blue Shark (Prionace glauca)

The Blue Shark or Prionace glauca are from the Carcharhinidae family which also includes the Tiger Shark, Bull Shark and the Milk Shark. Blue Sharks are often called the wolves of the sea because they will form schools based on sex and size. These sharks are often found in tropical areas and even have been located in some brackish waters up to 350 meters deep worldwide in tropical and temperate waters.  You can check out the Blue Shark underwater in the video below... 

Blue sharks have a blue colored body with long pectoral fins and a white underbelly. These sharks are large, growing to 12-1/2 feet (3.8 meters) and weighing in at 862lbs (391 kg). These sharks have been known to dine on squid as well as shrimp, smaller sharks, cuttlefish, octopuses and even a few unlucky sea birds.
Like many other sharks, Blue Sharks are viviparous which mean that they have live birth instead of laying eggs. One Blue Shark can produce over 100 pups in one cycle! It takes about 11 months for the pups to develop in a female that is at least 5 years of age. Blue Sharks have a rather odd way of mating which includes the male biting the female. I guess they like it rough! For this reason the female of this species have skin that is 3 times as thick as their male counterparts.

If you have any additional information about the Blue Shark please leave us a comment below.

Tautog (Tautoga onitis)

The Tautog or Tautoga onitis is a saltwater fish that is often sought after by anglers from Nova Scotia to Georgia in the Atlantic Ocean. This fish from the Wrasse family is often found in a bottom that has structure, like ship wrecks, rocks or mussel beds. This rough territory make it easy for a Tautog to tangle the anglers line and break free.

Also known as the Blackfish, they are brown or dark olive with white blotches. Tautog can grow to about 3' (1m) and can weigh up to 25lbs. These fish have powerful jaws and two sets of teeth, one in the front and one in the back of their throat that helps them to crush crustaceans and mollusks of all sorts. They also have a slime of sorts that covers their bodies, much like some Northern Pike. This helps them glide off sharp rocks that they may encounter while swimming.

When fishing for a Tautog it is critical that you wait a moment to set the hook as you almost need to wait for the Tautog to swallow the bait before you can hook them. Popular baits for Tautog include crabs, clams, shrimp, sandworms and even lobster. Spearfishing is another way to catch the elusive Tautog. They are said to be quite calm around scuba divers. You can check them out underwater in the video below...

Spawning of the Tautog will often happen in the late spring or early summer in an offshore location. Once hatched the little ones will often take shelter in seaweed until they are large enough to venture out on their own into the big water. Because of the relatively slow reproduction rate of the Tautog, these fish are very vulnerable to overfishing. Please practice catch and release when possible.

If you have any additional information about the Tautog please leave us a comment below.