Top Photo Credit: Patrick Cooney
The Sirajo Goby or Sicydium plumieri is an amazing freshwater fish that has actually developed the ability to climb steep waterfalls, and even artificial dams! It has a suction cup like pelvic fin that allows it to accomplish these unbelievable acts. These Gobies also have modified ventral fins that helps to move up and down wet surfaces.

If you have any other information you would like to share about the Sirajo Goby, please leave it below in the comments...
Im Writing in regards to the Sirajo Goby, i have a question is it possible to find this fish in central america? i have just recently saw something like it in a river in Honduras,
hope to hear from you soon
In puerto rico where i live is as common as mosquitoes. But the problem is that the place they live makes it dangerous to get them. High .rocky and desolate place where theres no help if something bad happens.
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