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Shovelnose Guitarfish (Rhinobatos productus)

The Shovelnose Guitarfish or Rhinobatos productus is just one of the many different kinds of Guitarfish. As you can see, they get their names from their guitar-shaped bodies. They have flat compressed bodies and are normally found on sandy bottoms less than 40 feet or so. Their bodies are brown or olive with white on the bottom. This coloration helps them blend into the sand where they lay and wait for their prey. In fact, Shovelnose Guitarfish will bury themselves in the sand with only their breathing holes exposed. The poor unsuspecting prey won't realize anything until the sand erupts and bye-bye prey. You can see them bury themselves in the video below...

The Shovelnose Guitarfish's mouth is located on it's bottom, although this fish doesn't actually breath through its mouth. Instead they have a holes on the top of their heads called spiracles that they use to breath into their gills.Female Shovelnose Guitarfish give live birth like sharks. The mating normally occurs in bays in California and Baja. If you have any more information about the Shovelnose Guitarfish that you would like to share please leave us a comment...
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