The Blobfish or Psychrolutes marcidus is without a doubt in one of the ugliest fish in the ocean. These
saltwater fish have what resembles a large nose in between two eyes and almost seem to be frowning! I guess with an ugly mug like that you would be frowning too. This
deep sea fish is often found at extreme depths off of the coasts of Tasmania and Australia. For this reason the Blobfish is rarely seen by the human eye.

The Blobfish has the ability to withstand the high pressure of these depths because its body is actually mostly a gelatinour mass that has a density just less than water. This gives the Blobfish the ability to float right above the bottom floor without using much energy.

As you can imagine, with the name like the Blobfish they aren't extremely active. In fact, most of the food that they eat simply floats right by them. This deep sea fish simply picks and chooses what to eat. Blobfish are often caught by fisherman that bottom trawling with nets.
One weird fact about the Blobfish is that when reproducing they will actually sit on their eggs until hatching. If you have any more information about the Blobfish that you would like to share please do so in the comments below...

Very interesting
Why so sad fishy???
wow those fish are very wierd looking and somewhat look like a human face looking very sad. I would never want to look at this fish again or ever buy this for a friend enen if i hated that person so much>
I caught one of these of the coast of Northen California in 1985. Never knew what it was and asked many a fish expert. It was so weird looking we threw it over board. Looked like a drowned baby.
I can see why it's called the blob fish! lol
Looks like some of my relatives.
Is this even real? How could you ever catch one of these the hook would go straight through it's body!
THis is a awsome but ugly ass fish.
This fish looks like the woman in the desk opposite me in my office... she belongs at the bottom of a deep ocean
You have no idea how sexy that is xD
Cute! If I had one I'd name it Ziggy 'cuz it looks EXACTLY like him!
cutey cute cute
I wonder what they taste like. Omnomnom.
Um... Fake fishy?!
Looks like Gulpin/Swalot from Pokemon
ok????? thats one weird fishy... but still it helps on my science project... thanx for the website
ugly ass fishy!
He's ugly. If I saw that fish floating by me I would punch him right in the face.
Well It was an Interesting Read That The Blob fish or Psychrolutes marcidus is without a doubt in one of the ugliest fish in the ocean. These saltwater fish have what resembles a large nose in between two eyes and almost seem to be frowning! I have enjoyed reading and Hope to read more in future.
I'm going to have nightmares
Blobfishy, I am yeur father!
I want one!! They are awesome. As for the rest of you jerks that posted negative comments, go slide down a barbed wire fence!
So cute! I want one! I hate the people that leave negative comments.
They can go stick their heads up their anus.
their so cute and yet so ugly
aaaawwwww poor thing just imagine thosands of them are floating at the bottom of the ocean at this very second!
blobfish sad because of overfishing!
can it be eaten? what does it tastes like?
blobfish.... JUST AWESOME!!!!!!!
The story of three blobfish "brothers" features in the BBC childrens TV program called "Octonauts: The Blobfish Brothers". A great intro to these jelly-like fish for children. Available online in the UK only, but maybe via YouTube as well. Worth finding.
Three blobfish "brothers" star in the BBC childrens' TV short movie "Octonauts: The Blobfish Brothers". Only available online within the UK, but maybe also via YouTube. Well worth watching. Great intro for kiddies.
@Anonymous from March 2, 2010
It looks like this fish was dissing some other fish, and it took your advice.
Coincidentally, my word verification was "butfut." Heh, heh.
'Save the Blobfish'! What a cutie. I volunteer to start the fanclub! Oh, and Tasmania is a state of Australia!
It's actually kinda cute for something so weird...
Blobfishy sad for all his brothers and sisters bein killed by entanglement by the trawlers of austrailia and tasmainia
I have to do a speech on it.
Stop being unkind. They look the way they look, as all creatures do. And as they are nearly extinct, I feel sad about them. I would happily own one if it wasn't cruel to the poor Blobfish, which it would be.
It kind of reminds me of Gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist for some reason.
It looks like Ziggy.
They are facing extincting due to deep-sea fishing.
Anonymous said...
Looks like some of my relatives. -ROFL!!!!!!
it's squidward!
ugly. btw is fish index always this unactive. i will proballly get my reply in a month
For the haters accusing us of being "ugly" or "gross," we have your locations marked. Your transgressions against our great people will not go unpunished.
Signed, the Blobfish.
P.S. Please subscribe to us on Youtube @ Bl0bzorz008. We'd appreciate it is you thumbs up our review of Inception. We worked really hard on it. Thx.
This may sound kinda odd but price is always a factor in my decisions. Also, I dont really care how many fish I catch. I just want to get out there for the fun and adventure.
'Save the Blobfish' !!! Agree!!!
Oh... i like this fish too... ♥♥♥♥♥♥ We need to save them, they all are unique.
It is not ugly!!!!!!!!! how can be ugly any creature lived on our Earth??
People stop be so cruel to creatures around us!!!! (((((Respect all live!
'Save the Blobfish' !!! Agree!!!
Oh... i like this fish too... ♥♥♥♥♥♥ We need to save them, they all are unique.
It is not ugly!!!!!!!!! how can be ugly any creature lived on our Earth??
People stop be so cruel to creatures around us!!!! (((((Respect all live!
Doesn't look too dangerous, but I could see how you could easily step on it!Its interesting
I agre with Anonomous post from april 20, 2011. I think it is very cute, just not in a conventional puppy sort of way. blobfish deserve more respect. treat others like you would like to be treated, which means no namecalling.
I like turtles ^-^
What a fucking ugly ass fish!! oh wait thats my mom....
It's 1 of the Sea Kings in One Piece summoned by Shirahoshi.
Looks like donald trump thinking about Rosie O'Donnell
You guys are mean for dissing the blobfish. God created everything in his glory so whether the blobfish looks ugly or not it's still beautiful.
На глубине 1 km при давлении 10 MPa она выглядит как обыкновенная рыба.
На глубине 1 km при привычном для нее давлении 10 MPa она выглядит как обыкновенная рыба.
It looks tortured in the photos :(
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