Wels Catfish are often found in rivers and warm lakes in many parts Europe and Asia. They will spend most of their time in sheltered locations where they wait for their prey. Using their pectoral fins they disorient their prey and then simply swallow them whole which their massive mouths. Wels Catfish will feed on insects, crustaceans, fish, frogs, mice, rats, ducks and anything else they can fit there mouths around.

When the Wels Catfish spawns it will produce 30,000 eggs per kilogram of body weight. Considering these Catfish are huge, you can just imagine how many eggs a single one of these monsters can produce. After spawning, the male Wels Catfish will guard the nest until they hatch, normally this will take a week or so. Since the spawning is done so shallow and the water level can drop easily to expose the eggs, the male has been observed splashing the nest with its huge tail to keep the area moist.
These fish are considered edible, but as they get older they get a bit fatty and less tasty. If you have any fishing tips or any other information about the Wels Catfish that you would like to share just leave us a comment!

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