The Elephant Nose is that much like the Electric Eel, these fish have a small amount of electrical charge. They use this low electrical current to find their their meals on the bottom of the river. Don't worry though, you can still handle them without being shocked.

Not considered to be one of the easiest fish to take care of, this fish requires frequent water changes along with water conditions of 73-80° F with a PH Level of 6.5-7.0. They reach about 9" in maximum length, so make sure you have a large aquarium. Over 50 gallons should do it to keep these fish happy. Be sure to provide plenty of hiding spaces for this shy creature. Once you have had the Elephant Nose for a while though it will become much more of a friendly fish. One thing to note is to be careful of this fish jumping right out of the tank. An aquarium with a tight lid is highly recommended.
For more about the Elephant Nose Fish check out the unique way it uses the "trunk" to try and locate food in this video...
These fish are carnivores that should be fed a variety of meaty foods such as earthworms, blood worms, brine shrimp with a mixture of flake and pellet foods. If you keep multiple Elephant Nose Fish together make sure you have a group of at least six that way the most dominant one won't pick on the smaller fish.

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