The Cookiecutter Shark or Isistius brasiliensis is a small shark that grows to about 50cm (20") in length.. The shark's body has a cigar shape and is sometimes referred to as the Cigar Shark. This shark is also called the Luminous Shark because of its use of bio-luminescent. Found at depths of 1,000 m or 3,300 ft the Cookiecutter Shark is rarely seen by humans so little is known about their reproductive habits.
If you have any additional information about the Cookiecutter Shark please share below in the comments.
Thats one wicked fish but it looks like an evil alian to me.
This is one of the craziest things I've seen or even heard about. Nice post!
I read that once a cookie cutter shark forced an atomic sub to return to base, because it bit off a piece of the anecoic surface that renders the sub invisible to sonar! They identified the species by a tooth that got stuck in the rubber-like surface.
I've heard that CookieCutters can lose a WHOLE ROW of teeh and that they grow them back quickly.
thats one scary fish :) Would not like to meet it in the middle of night :D
They suction on to their prey and then use their bottom teeth to scoop out a near perfect circle like an ice cream scoop. Their bite scars have been seen on seals, dolphins, and even Great White Sharks. To the best of my knowledge, there has only been one human attacked by this shark, a long distance swimmer near Maui. (I find this and the Ghost Shark to be the most interesting Sharks)
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