Glass Knifefish are peaceful fish that prefer a low light aquarium with plenty of hiding places and plants. Also known as the Green Knifefish, they sometimes have a very slight green tint. Like other Knifefish, they have the ability to emit a weak electrical signal from one of their organs that helps them maneuver in the dark. As you can imagine, this means that they are very active during the night more so than the daylight hours. They also use this weak electrical current during courtship.
You can keep mulitple Glass Knifefish in the same tank, they will get along just fine and will even breed in an aquarium setting. These fish will often lay their eggs on plants. Once the fry hatches you should switch them into another tank.
The Glass Knifefish is an omnivore that can be fed tubifex, pellets, flakes, shrimp and other live and frozen foods.
Photo Credit: Kirk, Fortune, Roth, (c) 2007

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