The Frogfish pictured above are Long-lure Frogfish (Antennarius multiocellatus), but there are actually over 45 different species of Frogfish including the popular aquarium Clown Frogfish! Most are found on the bottom near coral reefs no deeper than 125 meters on average. Check out this next species of Frogfish, it has a bizarre lure as well...
Finally here is the Giant Frogfish (Antennarius commerson), you can see they are masters of camouflage...
If you have more information you would like to share about the Frogfish just leave a comment...

Well I Can see In this Video That Frogfish is like seeing evolution with My own eyes! These saltwater fish have developed leg-like fins that they use to scurry across the bottom of the ocean floor. They can also change their colors to blend into coral reefs where they wait for prey to scurry by. If that wasn't strange enough, Frog fish have a worm like lure that comes right out of their heads to attract their dinner.
i saw a fish like this one on the beach here in the southern part of the philippines, greenish, about 2 inches. now i know its name. thanks.
Wow! That is AMAZING I can't believe that! The video with the "mommy" and the "baby" is crazy awesome! I mean, wow, the hairy ones don't even look like sea creatures! I would ttly hav 1 of those as a pet!Lucky 4 the person who said they saw one!
At first glance they look like a tiny garden sculpture.
This is truly a great read for me. I have bookmarked it and I am looking forward to reading new articles. Keep up the good work.
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