As you can see, they get their name from the thick lips that are sometimes extended out. It is almost as if this aquarium fish is puckering up at you every time you go to feed them. Also known as the Kisser Fish, or the Pink Kisser this species of freshwater Gourami has a silvery peach body with rather large eyes. They can grow to about 12" in maximum length.
Kissing Gourami are inexpensive fish that should be placed in an freshwater aquarium of 30 gallons or more with plants, stones and hiding places. Be careful if you use live plants as this species of Gourami will eat almost anything. The one thing I really like about the this fish is that they help you clean the aquarium by grazing on the algae that tends to grow on the glass. This is very helpful and cuts down on the use of Aquarium Wipes between cleanings. The following aquarium water conditions are recommended, 72-82° F, KH 5-20, and pH 6.8-8.5. If you house these Kissing Gourami be certain that they can access the surface as they are surface breathers. While this fish is kept as a pet in many places in the world, in Southeast Asia it is commercially raised and is a major food source for many people.

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