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The Gelatinous Snailfish or Liparis fabricii is one of the few kinds of saltwater fish that can survive the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean. These fish can grow to about 20 cm (8 in) and they can be distinguished from other Snailfish by they fact that they have more than 36 anal fin rays. As you can see, they have large eyes and primitive unlobed teeth in the inner portions of their mouth. Gelatinous Snailfish are normally found not much more than 10 miles or so from the shore at a wide range of depths from 20–1,880 meters. These fish feed on crustaceans and small amphipods and fall prey to other larger fish like the Atlantic Cod. The one pictured above is a juvenille.
Little more is known about the strange bottom dwelling Gelatinous Snailfish, but if you have an additional information you think is relavant please leave a comment...
The Sea Goblin or Inimicus didactylus upon first glance, looks a lot like a Stonefish or Frogfish with its many wart like appendages that helps it easily blend into its surrounding. This odd-looking saltwater fish grows to about 8" maximum, and is normally a variation of browns and reds. They are sometimes referred to as the Spiny Devilfish, Longsnout Stinger, Walkman or Bearded Ghoul. Sea Goblins have a series of sharp venomous spines on their body and "legs" that it uses to walk across the bottom floor in search of food. They can be kept in an aquarium of at least 50 gallons or more, but are not the easiest to care for because of their dangerous spines. The following water conditions are recommended, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 and sg 1.020-1.025. They are carnivores that should be fed a variety of foods including live feeder fish, feeder shrimp, glass shrimp and other meaty preparations.
Probably the coolest thing about these little fish isn't the fact that they can walk, it is their strange wing-like fins that are displayed. This really makes for an interesting addition to any saltwater tank! You can have a look for yourself in the video below...
The Splash Tetra or Copeina arnoldi is a freshwater fish that is best known for its elaborate mating ritual. The male and the female will leap out of the water together and attach themselves to low hanging vegetation. In a matter of seconds, they release the eggs and drop back down into the water. They will repeat this process numerous times until 300 or so eggs are laid. After this, the male will periodically splash the eggs with his tail in order to keep them moist. This continues for a couple days until the fry hatch and fall into the water. This entire process is all well documented in the video below...
Now that you know how Splash Tetra get their names, you can learn a little more about these amazing freshwater fish. They are also known as the Jumping Characin or Spraying Tetra, and have an elongated body which is normally an olive green or brown with a white underbelly. This species of Tetra has a stripe that is barely darker than its body color that runs from its gill cover to its caudal fin. There is another thinner copper band that runs just above the darker stripe. Males of this species tend to have a bit longer fins that are more colorful with red and black outlines then their female counterparts. The bizarre mating ritual and the peaceful temperament of this fish makes it a favorite among aquarium lovers. The following water conditions in a tank of 30 gallons or more is acceptable, 73-79° F, KH 4-8, and pH 5.0-8.0. The Splashing Tetra is not a picky eater and will accept brine shrimp, bloodworms, tubiflex, pellet food and flake food. If you have any tips for caring for Splashing Tetra fish please share!
The Coral Trout or Plectropomus leopardus is part of the family known as Serranidae. This family is characterized by having three spines on their gill covers and large mouths that have more than one row of teeth. Both Groupers and Cods are part of this family as well.
Also known as the Leopard Coral Grouper, Strawberry Trout and the Leopard Coral Trout these fish are found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans normally around reefs, including the Great Barrier Reef. These saltwater fish come in a variety of colors including red, green, brown, pink and orange. They can be identified by the numerous blue spots on their bodies and the blue rings that surround their eyes. When it comes to reproduction the Coral Trout is quite strange. If you can believe it, these fish will actually change sexes over the course of their lives. They start their lives as females and as they become larger, normally around 40cm, they turn into males. They also have a rather elaborate mating ritual in which the male will flip sideways shaking his head from side to side trying to entice the female into courtship.
Coral Trout will often feed on small fish like Damselfish at dusk or in the early mornings. Like the Pike and Muskie, these fish are ambush predators that lie in wait for an unsuspecting fish to swim by. They strike with lighting quickness and are even said to have the ability to change the color of their skin when feeding. They can grow to about 70cm (2') and weigh 6kg (13lbs). You can learn more about the Coral Trout including how to fillet them in the video below...
If you have any additional information about the Coral Trout please leave us a comment.
The Lumpfish or Cyclopterus lumpus is an oddly shaped fish that is about twice as long as it is deep. These saltwater fish grow to about 2' in length, and weigh in at about 20lbs maximum. Females tend to be a bit larger than males. The color of the Lumpfish varies quite a bit. When they are young the Lumpfish will almost always match their surroundings, normally an olive green or yellow. Males tend to be a bit more vivid than the females, and their underbellies will turn red when they are spawning. You can check out the Lumpfish underwater in the video below...
They have a series of seven ridges on their bodies that contain small knobs that make them easily differentiated from other fish. Pictured below is a Smooth Lumpsucker (Aptocyclus ventricosus), which is just one of the over 25 different species of Lumpfish. Like the Puffer Fish they have the ability to inflate themselves to deter predators. Lumpfish are normally found toward the bottom in the seas around Europe. They are also found in the North Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. Although the meat of these fish is not normally eaten, the Roe of these fish is considered to be quite good and is known as stenbider or stenbit.Also known as Lump Suckers, there are actually more than 25 different species of Lumpfish. These fish have modified pelvic fins that act as adhesive discs that help this fish attach itself and wait for potential prey to swim or crawl by. If you have any additional information about the Lumpfish please leave us a comment!
The Glass Eye Squirrelfish or Heteropriacanthus cruentatus is a strange looking saltwater fish that was fish discovered in Hawaii. It has very larges eyes which it uses to hunt in the cover of darkness. This fish has a color changing body that becomes brighter as it grows older. When this species of Squirrelfish is young its body is covered by brown and red patches. As the fish ages they become a striking solid bright red.
Glass Eye Squirrelfish are sometimes called Blotched Bigeyes and can be kept in a saltwater aquarium. A tank of at least 80 gallons is recommended because this fish can grow to about 1' in length, and therefore requires plenty of swimming room. Live rock is also recommended with the following water conditions, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 and sg 1.020-1.025.This fish is nocturnal and will normally hide when the lights are on. For this reason, you should provide your fish with hiding spots to rest in during the day. When you feed them try to use serpent stars, crustaceans, freeze dried shrimp and worms. You can also use live feeder shrimp as a nice treat or to get them to eat when you first receive your fish.
If you have an tips for keeping a Glass Eye Squirrelfish please share!
The Wolf Eel or Anarrhichthysocellatus has a human-like face with powerful jaws that it uses to crush its prey. These saltwater fish are normally found in the northern Pacific Ocean around rocks or reefs. They will often make their homes in a crevice, cave or a pile of rocks. This species is not a true Eel, because it has pectoral fins and is referred to as a Wolf Fish. It is an impressive specimen growing to over 6' long, and weighing in at 40lbs! Wolf Eels tend to eat clams, small fish, crustaceans, sea urchins and mussels. These fish are edible and are sometimes called Ocean Catfish when sold. You can watch some amazing underwater footage of the Wolf Eel in the video below...
When reproducing the male and female will wrap themselves around each other to protect their eggs for a period of several months. It is thought that some males and females only have one partner for their entire lives. They normally reach sexual maturity at about 7 years old.
If you have any additional information about the Wolf Eel that you would like to share leave a comment below...
The Gold Algae Eater or Gyrinocheilus aymonieri is one of the best defenses against the build up of algae in an aquarium. This freshwater fish has a beautiful golden yellow body that grows to about 1' in length. They have a silver underbelly and a horizontal line that runs down their sides. Another variation of this species with the same scientific name is the Chinese algae eater. These tend to be more brown than gold and is pictured below.The mouth of this fish has evolved into a suckermouth, this allows them to cling onto objects using their mouths. This trait helps in fast moving waters, and keeps them close to where the food is. They also have gill slits that they use to breath. Water enters in one end and exits in the other without them opening their mouths. You can watch the Gold Algae Eater in an aquarium setting in the video below...
First discovered in Northern India, this fish has become quite popular in an aquarium setting due to its beautiful coloration, but mostly for the fact that they help keep tanks algae free. If you are thinking of picking up a Gold Algae Eater for your tank make sure you have enough room. About a 40 gallon tank is recommended with the following water conditions, 74-79° F, KH 8-10 and pH 6.8-7.4. As with many other fish, providing plants and places to hide will keep this fish happy and healthy.
The Gold Algae Eater can become more aggressive in a smaller tank, and should be kept with caution with Discus Fish and Angelfish. A great thing about these freshwater fish is that they don't need a lot of food, they will munch on the algae that develops on plants, rocks and the glass itself in the aquarium. You should also feed them algae based wafers when there is a lack of algae.
If you have any additional information or aquarium stories about this algae eater please leave us a comment below.
The White Bass or (Moronechrysops) is also called the Sand Bass, Barfish, Streaker and Silver Bass. It is found in freshwater lakes and rivers in the United States. This fish can be identified by its narrow dark incomplete stripes running horizontally down its body. It has white sides and underbelly, while its back is much darker. They are not related to the Largemouth Bass or the Rock Bass, which are part of the Centrarchidae family. You can learn more about White Bass in the video below...
The Pirarucu or Arapaima gigas is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world and goes by several different names including Paiche, or simply Arapaima. This massive fish can grow to over 14' in length, and weigh in at an astonishing 440lbs! If you can believe it, this fish actually has a bony tongue that has a second set of teeth embedded in it! This odd adaptation helps it chew up its prey with ease. Native to South American this tropical freshwater fish is found in the Amazon River and has also been introduce to several lakes in Thailand and Malaysia. These monsters can survive in low quality water with very low oxygen levels. This is because the Pirarucu is an air breather, and must have access to the surface in order to survive. It uses its swim bladder, which is rich in blood vessels to hold the oxygen needed to breath. You can learn more about the Pirarucu in the videos below...
Arapaima fish will often feed on crustaceans, fish and aquatic animals that get too close to this large fish. They will lay their eggs in early spring before the rainy season. These fish will build a nest, much like the Bluegill, but on a much grander scale. As the rains begin to fall the water rises, and the eggs hatch. Once hatched, the fry are known to retreat into the mouth of the male Arapaima for protection. This is called mouth brooding and is a characteristic shared by some Cichlids. They are also reported to secrete a form of nutrition from their head that feeds their young in the early stages of their lives. This is another trait shared by other fish, including the Red Turquoise Discus.Pirarucu fish are often caught with nets or by spearfishing, and are considered to be very tasty. Take extreme care though if you catch one of these monsters, they can be very dangerous because of their massive size and unpredictable behavior. If you have any additional information about the Pirarucu leave a comment below.
The Russian Sturgeon or Acipenser gueldenstaedtii is a species of Sturgeon that is found in Russia, as well as Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and the Ukraine. The Russian Sturgeon is the largest Sturgeon in the world, it reaches a length of 13 ft (396 cm) and a weight of up to a ton (900 kg)! They have a series of dorsal scutes, lateral scutes and ventral scutes that give them the appearance of a prehistoric fish!This fish can also be found in the Black, Caspian and Azov seas basins. They are identified by their short snout that has a rounded tip. Their barbels are not fringed and are located near the top of their snout. These fish will migrate often up the Danube River and occasionally in the Sava River and the Tisa River. You can see the Russian Sturgeon for yourself in the video below...
The Russian Sturgeon is benthic feeder, which simply means that it feed on the bottom. Normal meals include shells, crabe, snails, insect larva, and small fish. Like other Sturgeons, they reach sexual maturity late in their lives, and are highly prized as caviar. It can take this fish as long as 16 years before it reproduces for the first time. After reproduction is complete, they will wait another 5 or 6 years before reproducing again. For this reason the fate of the Russian Sturgeon is in question.
You can learn about all the different types of Sturgeon here!