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The Atlantic Tarpon, Silver King or Megalops atlanticus is one of the most popular sporting fish in the world. This monster fish can grow to over 8' long and weigh over 300lbs! Even though the Atlantic Tarpon is not considered the tastiest of fish to eat, sportsman around the world enjoy their fight and their amazing jumping abilities. This salt water fish is so popular that is it even the official fish of Alabama. There are many different ways to catch the Atlantic Tarpon, but a favorite among fisherman is fly fishing. This is a true test of the skill of the fisherman, just a have look at this video from Costa Rica where Tarpon fishing is quite popular...
The Viper Fish or Chauliodus sloani is one of the most vicious of the deep sea fish on planet earth. They have razor sharp fang-like teeth that are so long they won't even fit inside of their mouths! This carnivorous fish actually impales its prey with these sharp teeth with lighting quickness. Like some other deep sea creatures including the Angler Fish, the Viper Fish uses bioluminescence to attract its meals. This basically means they have an organ that lights up in the dark depths to attract attention. In the dark depths even the smallest amount of light can be detected and food is very hard to come by. This fish is relatively small fish and only grows to about 1' in length. They can be found at depths exceeding 8000'. If you have any more information you would like to add about the Viper Fish please do so in the comments below...
The Blue Spotted Stingray or Taeniura lymma is actually part of the shark family. This saltwater fish is found in the West Pacific, East Africa, Red Sea, East Africa, Japan and parts of southern Australia. The Blue Spotted Stingray are found around reefs in relatively shallow water of up to 65'. They feed on crustaceans that they find around the coral reefs. These Stingrays can grow to about 14" in width and over 3' in length with their tail. The Blue Spotted Stingray is often found in groups and can be buried in the sand which makes them extremely hard to spot. Approach with caution, the large tail spine of the blue spot stingray is dangerous and can even be deadly. The venomous barbs are so huge that there have been reports of people bleeding to death from the wound. You can check out the Blue Spotted Stingray underwater in the video below...
The Texas Cichlid, Rio Grande Perch or Herichthys cyanoguttatus is a very popular aquarium fish. It is not considered to be a beginner fish though due to its aggressive temperament. They come in a few different colors including blue, green and red. This species of Cichlid can grow to about 1' in length and can live up to 15 years. They feed on pellets, krill and blood worms in an aquarium setting. Texas Cichlids are also considered a game fish in the freshwaters of Texas, Florida and Mexico. In a natural setting they feed by sifting the sands in search of a meal. This helpful characteristic will help keep your tank cleaner longer. There active lifestyle makes is another reason why they make such great pets for the experienced aquarium lover. You can check out the Texas Cichlid for yourself in the video below...
The Electric Eel or Electrophorus electricus is an amazing fish that has the ability to discharge a burst of over 600 volts when threatened or while hunting its dinner. These freshwater fish is known as Poraque in Brazil and can grow over 8' in length and weigh in at over 45lbs! While human deaths are very rare, they have been reported from this dangerous eel. Normally, this occurs by heart failure from the extreme shock that the Electric Eel sends out through the water. This fish's eyesight is very weak, but it makes up for this by using a low voltage pulse, almost like sonar to find its prey. They can live up to 15 years and feed on fish and small mammals. Despite its name the Electric Eels in not really an Eel at all. By scientific classification is it closer to a Knifefish! They can be kept in an aquarium as a pet for the die hard fish fan that doesn't mind risking his or her life. In the wild they are found in the Amazon River and other places in South America.
To check out the Electric Eel in action lighting up a Christmas Tree, watch the video below...
The Walleye or Sander vitreus is considered to be the perfect freshwater sporting fish. Not only can you catch them all year round, but they are considered one of the tastiest fish in the world! Walleyes are closely related to Perch, but grow much larger and have sharp teeth. This type of fish normally feeds in the early mornings and evenings on small bass, trout, pike, perch and sunfishes. Many people think that just after darkness falls is the best time to fish for Walleye. Check out this unorthodox version of Walleye fishing in this video below...
These fish are found throughout the Northern United States and Canada, especially in the Great Lakes Region. They can grow over 40" in length and over 25lbs which makes them all the more popular with avid fisherman.
Growing to over 65' and 10 tons the Whale Shark or Rhincodon typus is larger than the average school bus! This unbelievable size makes them the largest fish in all the oceans! Don't worry, these gentle saltwater giants are not dangerous though. In fact, the Whale Shark has even been known to let swimmers hitch a ride on their dorsal fin. The Whale Shark are omnivores that feed by swimming with their wide mouths open, all the while collecting plankton, small fish and anything else it swallows. They hardly even need their tiny 3000 teeth, because when they close their mouth the Whale Shark's gills drain out the water and what is left is the dinner for this huge creature. This shark is found in tropical and warmer waters around the world. To learn more check out this video...
Once thought to be the smallest shark in the world, this fish can only reach a maximum length of 8"! The recent discover of the Dwarf Lantern Shark has stolen the title of World's Smallest shark from the tiny Pygmy Shark or Euprotomicrusbispinatus. They are found at deep sea depths worldwide in warm conditions. In fact, these deep sea creatures have been seen as far as 7000' down! The salt water Pygmy Shark feeds on small shrimps, squid and or small deep water fishes. As with many other sharks when the Pygmy losses its teeth they are replaced by new ones, which literally rotate into place. Another unique characteristic of the Pygmy Shark is that it has a bioluminescence underbelly which actually glows in the dark. This helps attract its prey and makes it appear distorted to potential predators underneath it.
The Platinum Arowana is an extremely rare species of Arowana fish with virtually no coloration on its body. This breed of fish is so valuable that an offer for $80,000 was recently turned down by the owner! Legend states that this fish is supposed to bring good luck, which is a big reason why it is so unbelievably expensive. This unique fish dines on a diet of insects, shrimp, fish, and frogs. They enjoy warm water of 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit. Here is a video showing the Platinum Arowana in action...
If you like the sounds of that fish, but can't afford the price tag, check out the similar Silver Arowana or Osteoglossumbicirrhosum. This is essentially the same fish just not pure white. The Silver Arowana needs to be in large aquarium that is well covered to prevent it from jumping out of the tank. In fact, die hard fish fans have been know to teach their Silver Arowana to jump and eat its prey right out of their fingers. At least a 200 gallon tank is recommended for just one fish, so this is not recommended for the beginner. This fish can grow up to 4 feet in length while in the wild, but a bit smaller in an aquarium so an even larger tank may be needed as it grows.
The Asfur Angelfish or Pomacanthus asfur is also known as the Arabian Angelfish, or Crescent Angelfish. It is a popular aquarium fish because of its bright coloration and its hardy nature and easy care level. This species of Angelfish was originally discovered in the Red Sea, but also found in the Indo-Pacific. Watch out if you are thinking about keeping this fish as a pet, they can be very aggressive toward its own species, unless paired. The Asfur Angelfish feeds mainly on sponges and tunicates in the wild, and greens, pellets, mussels, shrimp, algae, romaine lettuce and flakes in an aquarium setting. This salt water fish can grow to 16" in length and should be kept in a tank that is at least 135 gallons.
The Jack Dempsey Fish or Cichlasoma octofasciatum is an aggressive fish that is probably best known for its uncanny ability to develop a relationship with its owner. Jack Dempsey are best kept alone or with a mate, but can also live with one other tough cichlids. Jack Dempsey fish are native to Mexico and Honduras. Jack Dempseys are known to be very good parents. They are actually known to pre-chew the food and feed it to their little ones. With characteristics like this there is no doubt that Jack Dempseys are one of the best parents of any fish!
These fish are notoriously aggressive and get there name from the heavyweight boxing champion of the world in 1919, Jack Dempsey. These fish are known to lock jaws when fighting each other. The Jack Dempsey Fish grows to about 9" long, which makes them a good fish to keep alone in an aquarium setting. They should be kept in temperatures ranging from 65 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit and pH from 5.5 to 8.0. This fish will eat small live fish, flake food and pellets.
The Tiger Shark or Galeocerdo cuvier gets its name from its dark vertical stripes found mainly on younger Tiger Sharks. As these fish begin to mature their lines tend to fade. This salt water fish can live over 50 years in tropical waters across the world. The Tiger Shark grows as large as 15' and almost 2000lbs! They are considered a very dangerous, in fact the Tiger Shark is the second most dangerous shark in the world only to the Great White! The Tiger Shark is not a picky eater, it has been know to consume salt water fish of all types, sea turtle, sea snakes, seals, stingrays, squids and even garbage like tires. They have sharp, serrated teeth and very powerful jaws that can crack right through a sea turtle's or clam's hard shell. You can see a Tiger Shark in action in the video below...
The Tiger Shark is found at depths of 0 to 300 meters below the surface which makes them all the more dangerous! Just look at those chompers!!!
The Largemouth Bass or Micropterus salmoides is one of the most popular sporting fish in North America. These fish go by a few different names including the Green Bass, Oswego Bass, Black Bass, and the Green Trout just to name a few. They feed on crayfish, sunfish, aquatic insects, frogs and other small freshwater fish. In the picture above they are feeding on a Rock Bass. Most of the time you won't find these type of fish over 20 feet below the surface, so they tend to be fairly easy for fishermen to hook. Catching them is another story, they are known as great fighters! They reach around 40" in maximum length and weigh up to 26lbs. The Largemouth Bass can only live into their early 20's. This fish is found in ponds, lakes and reservoirs throughout Southern Canada and The United States. Unlike the Smallmouth Bass, the Largemouth prefers swallower, warmer water. You can check out the Largemouth Bass underwater in the video below...
Largemouth Bass will spawn in the late winter to early spring or once the water temperatures reach about 60F. Male Largemouth will make up a nest for the female in waters from 1' to 4' deep. Once the female lays her eggs she leaves and the male stays to guard the nest.
The Common Carp, Koi or Cyprinus carpio is a freshwater fish that can grow over 5' in length and weigh over 80lbs. These bottom feeders with eat almost anything including cereal, vegetables, worms, fruit and including many kinds of plant life. Fisherman around the world enjoy the Common Carp as a meal. In fact in Austria, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Croatia and Poland Carp is part of a traditional Christmas Eve dinner! The Koi version of this fish is brightly colored and is a favorite pet. This type of fish will actually recognize its owner, and can be trained to feed right from your hand! Koi are known to live 40 years or more, there have even been reports of Japanese Koi living to 200 years old. The Common Carp or Koi is a very hardy fish and will easily last a long time if properly taken care of with good filtration and overall water quality.
The Mudskipper or Periophthalmus modestus is the only fish that spends most of its time OUTSIDE of the water! They carry water in their large gills while on land. The Mudskipper has eyes that it can blink like a human to re-wet them while on land.This type of fish is very territorial and will raise up it's back fin and defend itself on land from other Mudskipper fish. This freshwater fish can stay out of the water for up to 22-60 hours as long as it keeps its body moist. All this, and the fact that these fish are relatively small and easy to care for makes the Mudskipper fish a favorite pet for people with aquariums. You can see the Mudskipper fish in action in the video below...
The Lake Sturgeon or Acipenser fulvescens is a massive freshwater fish. It is a bottom feeder that eats insect larvae, worms, crayfish, snails, and other small fishes. As you can see above, they have a very unique mouth which they use like a vacuum for feeding. The Lake Sturgeon averages about 200 to 300lbs, but they have been reported to be over 800lbs and over 8' long! This Sturgeon doesn't have any scales, it is instead covered with five rows of bone like plates on its back sides and stomach. This dinosaur of fish can reach over 150 years old, no wonder it gets so big! They are found only in North American in states like Michigan and Wisconsin. There are over 20 different species of Sturgeon in the world, but this one like many others is protected in most places.
There are two different types of Sailfish, the Atlantic Sailfish (Istiophorus Albicans) and the Indo-Pacific Sailfish (IstiophorusPlatypterus). These amazing sailfish can reach speeds of 68 miles (110 kilometers) per hour! This impressive speed makes them by far the fastest fish in the ocean! Sailfish are huge too, these saltwater fish can grow to 12' in length and can weigh over 200lbs. Sailfish are very quick growers, in fact this fish can grow over 5' in a single year. The Sailfish is also known for it's amazing jumping ability, this makes them a favorite among fisherman. They normally feeds on the surface or just below on squid and small fish. The sail on this fish is kept down when swimming, but it will raise up if the fish feels threatened. This makes the fish appear even larger and can scare off potential predators. For more info and to see a Sailfish in action check out this video...
The Yellow Perch or PercaFlavescens is best known for its tastiness and is one of the most popular Panfish. This freshwater fish is often found in schools, so it is also very easy to catch. Once you have found one, mostly like there is more in the waters below. Most Yellow Perch are around 6" but some have been reported to be almost 2' long and weighing in at 4lbs. The larger Yellow Perch are often known as Jumbo Perch. These fish are found mainly throughout The United States and Canada. They can easily be caught using minnows or small small worms. Just use a sinker as these fish are often found close to the bottom. About 20' down in the summertime, but depending on the weather these Yellow Perch can be found in shallow areas as well. If you have any Perch fishing tips or recipes please share them in the comments below...
The Scaly Dragon Fish or Stomias Boa is a odd looking deep sea fish that can grow to about 32cm in length. It has a very large mouth with sharp curved teeth. Scaly Dragonfish are found in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean, but there have been several other reports around the world. It has been spotted at depths of up to 1600 meters! This salt water fish feeds on mid-water fishes and crustaceans. Despite its evil appearance it is not considered dangerous to humans simply because it is found so deep in our oceans...