These fish can grow quite large, almost 10" in maximum length so if you are going to house this fish in an aquarium you should have a tank at least 85 gallons. Like most other Cichlids they like lots of hiding spots as well. An aquarium with a sandy aragonite based substrate is recommended as this helps to maintain the high PH and alkalinity that this cichlids require. Water temperatures of 76-82° F and a PH level of 7.8-8.6 is also recommended for these fish.
As you can tell these fish are not the easiest to take care for, they are sensitive to different water conditions so be sure to change the water regularly if you plan on keeping one of these Venustus Cichlid as a pet. Also known as the Giraffe Cichlid this fish can last for over 10 years so make sure you are ready for that kind of commitment as well.

These fish are Mouth Brooders which means that when they spawn the female will keep the eggs inside her mouth until they are hatched. This process normally takes about 3 weeks time. Watch out males of this species can become very aggressive during the spawning season. Make sure to have more females in a tank then males if keeping multiple Venustus Cichlid together.
This fish should be fed a variety of things including bloodworms, small fish, flake and pellet foods and brine shrimp. This fish is an ambush predator, in the wild it will rest itself on the sandy bottom and wait motionless for its prey to swim by. Then with a burst of speed it attacks and makes a meal for itself.
If you have any tips or questions about how to care for your Venustus Cichlid please leave them below in the comments.

how long does it tank them to get to there adult size?
Good question... I have never raised Venustus Cichlid before, so I am not sure. Perhaps someone else can answer this question for you.
I just bought one today at my lfs and I asked the same question. I was told it can take up to 3 years. Mine is only about an inch or so now so he has a while I guess!
Ive had three of these in a 55 gal. now for 2.5 years...two males and one female...no luck breeding but the males are about 5 inches and Female is about 4 in...have one pleco in there as well as five 2 to 3 in. danios...a happy community.
how are venustus with aquarium plants?
How are Venustus with aquarium plants at the moment they are in a tank with drift wood and we are thinking of changing tanks with plants in it...
Venustus become sexually mature at about 12-18 month. My female is about 18+months and she is now holding her first set of fry.
I just finally got one and I pretty much he is a male, I have a 65 gallon tank with a few other cichlid. I realize I left the female at the pet store looking at this info. So I was ready to go back and get her. However I can't find my Venustus in my tank. I been looking for him and can't find him. : ( . I hope he just hiding somewhere. Does this happen to you ?
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