The Lemon Tang fish or Acanthurus sp. is also known as one of the over 80 varieties of Surgeonfish. This Tang from the Acanthuridae family looks a lot like the Yellow Tang and has a lot of the same requirements in an aquarium setting. This salt water fish does best in water temperatures of 72-78° F, sg 1.020-1.025, and a PH level of 8.1-8.4. The Lemon Tang grows to about
10" in maximum length and is considered to be one of the easiest saltwater fish to take care of.
One thing to watch out for though is the fact that this type of fish, along with other Tangs can be quite aggressive towards each other and similar looking fish. The Lemon Tang should be fed mostly meaty foods, but it should also be fed seaweed and algae. This is said to keep down the aggression of this feisty fish!
If you have any pictures or facts about the Lemon Tang that you would like to share please do so in the comments below.
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