If you are thinking of buying a Blue Peacock Cichlid for your aquarium be sure you have one that will house 60 gallons of water or more. This species of Cichlid should be given plenty of hiding spots, as well as rocks and a nice sandy bottom is ideal. The following water conditions are acceptable for this fish, 76-82° F, KH 10-15, and pH 7.8-8.6.

When the Blue Peacock Cichlid breeds it will take about three weeks before the fry hatch. Females are mouth brooders, which means that they keep their eggs inside their mouth and can protect the young fry even after they are hatched by allowing them to swim into their mouths for protection. You can feed the young fry crushed flake food and brine shrimp. After they grow larger these carnivores should be fed live and frozen brine shrimp, flake food and Cichlid pellet food. These fish can grow to about 7" when fully grown and can live about 12 years.

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