Round Whitefish go by many different names including Pilot Fish, Round Fish, Menominee and Frost Fish. These fish have silver underbellies with a olive brown sides. Like so many other fish on our planet they were once very populous throughout North America, but their numbers have decreased dramatically due to habitat destruction, climate change and overfishing. The State of New York has even gone as far as listing them as an endangered species.
Spawning occurs in the fall normally in November or December. They will choose an area that is rocky like a shoal or sometimes at the mouths of rivers. Their eggs take a long time to hatch, as long as 140 days! Once they hatch, the young Whitefish will grow to almost 5 inches in the first year of their lives. Round Whitefish will reach sexual maturity at around 4 and can live for about 13 years.

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