Also known as the Clown Coris and the Twinspot Coris, this fish will grow to about 2' in maximum length, so if you are thinking of housing one in an aquarium be sure to have lot of room. An aquarium of over 200 gallons is highly recommended. The following water conditions are acceptable, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4 and sg 1.020-1.025. Providing this Wrasse with a nice thick layer of sand on the bottom will keep it happy. They tend to bury themselves in a natural environment, so this will help them feel right at home.

These fish are carnivores that should be fed mysis shrimp, flake food, pellet food, frozen brine shrimp and other meaty foods. In the wild they eat crabs, shrimp, urchins, and other small creatures. If you have any additional information about the Twin Spot Wrasse leave us a comment!

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